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乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat.

乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat.

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Bogdo山是俄罗斯阿斯特拉罕地区的制高点,有150米。Mount Bogdo is the highest point of the Astrakhan region. 150 meters!

阿斯特拉坎是俄国的一座普通的城市,坐落于伏尔加河畔左侧。Astrakhan is an average Russian city, which lies on the left bank of Volga river.

阿斯特拉罕州附近的黑亚尔村发现了珍稀动物化石墓地。A whole cemetery of rare fossil animals was found in a village Chyorny Yar in Astrakhan oblast.

阿斯特拉罕州紧急情况总局透露,机组人员身亡,他们的遗体已经找到。Astrakhan State Administration of said emergency, the crew died, their remains have been found.

离阿斯特拉罕港不远有一个规模很小的村庄,那儿曾经是金帐汗国的首都。Not far from the port of Astrakhan is a tiny village that was once the great capital of the Golden Horde.

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伊铁尔位于阿斯特拉罕州的伏尔加河畔,是丝绸之路上的一座重要城市。Located on the Volga River in what is now the Astrakhan Oblast , Itil was an important city on the Silk Road.

黑色俄国羊羔毛和彩色或单色狐狸毛领和翻领应用于大衣和夹克。Black astrakhan and colorful or monochromatic fox fur collars and lapels are applied to overcoats and jackets.

同时,新型的Iskander巡航导弹也在阿斯特拉罕地区成功发射。Russian military officials also say a new Iskander cruise missile was successfully tested in the Astrakhan region.

有科学家认为,图片上的遗址就是Itil的一部分。Scientist Dmitry Vasiley at Astrakhan State University believes these flamed brick buildings are part of what was once Itil.

格罗兹尼俄国西南部的一城市,位于阿斯特拉罕西南。为1893年发现的大面积油田的中心。人口393,000。A city of southwest Russia southwest of Astrakhan. It is the center of extensive oil fields discovered in1893. Population, 393, 000.