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高跷舞的基本动作是秧歌步。Stilt dance basic moves are Yangko step.

哇!那个高跷表演者真高!NO05, Wow! The stilt walkers are so tall!

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踩高跷是一种群众性技艺表演,分高跷、中跷和跑跷三种。There are three kinds of stilts — high, medium stilt and stilt for running.

高跷100黄金奖杯分数100分在一个单独的游戏与一名球员。Stilt 100 Gold Trophy Score 100 points in a single solo game with a single player.

过节时人们还会参加扭秧歌、踩高跷等表演。When holidays came, there were Yangko and stilt shows with people eager to participate.

过节时会有扭秧歌、踩高跷表演,人们也都乐意参加。When holidays came, there were Yangko and stilt shows with people eager to participate.

无法席地而坐,高跷阵表演者连休息也是「高人一等」。With no way to sit down just anywhere, stilt performers "stand tall" even when at rest.

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光脚的男人们在用麻袋布搭起的帐篷下打瞌睡,给水站的柱子上拴着一只小公鸡,婴儿的摇篮吊在屋梁上。Barefoot men napping under sackcloth canopies. A cockerel tied to the stilt of a water butt.

任何一个能自如操纵他乐器的艺术家无疑是值得钦佩的。And any artist who can manage to weave stilt walking seamlessly into his set has got to be admired.

这些公路往外延伸出去便是灰白色的土路,通往伫立着高脚楼的村庄,或者横穿过稻田。Chalky dirt roads radiate out from the highways, leading to villages of stilt houses or across rice fields.

安徒生笔下的童话人物及高跷蝴蝶将会穿梭会场与大家共度除夕夜。Characters from the Andersen's stories and the Stilt Walker Butterflies will fill every corner of the site.

在他们的母星,卡米诺人居住的城市被柱子撑出海面,蒂波卡城是其中最大的聚居区。The Kaminoans inhabit the stilt cities of their planet, with the largest concentration residing in Tipoca City.

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他们的立柱城市再现了他们从前的陆地殖民地,但现在可抵挡肆虐全球的无尽风暴。Their stilt cities echo their former land colonies, but are built to withstand the ceaseless storms that buffet the world.

第一章关注海城高跷秧歌产生、发展的地域、文化空间及生态环境。Chapter 1 concerns about the regional, cultural space and environment where Haicheng Stilt Yangko was formed and developed.

短西服会使人的下半身显得过长,给人不平的感觉,有点儿象踩高跷。Short suit can make below half body of the person appears too long, give person cobbly the sense, resemble a little step on stilt.

超过500名贵宾在12名中国鼓手和有趣的高跷舞者的表演中步入酒店。Over 500 guests were welcomed by 12 Chinese drummers and greeted by tall stilt walkers as they made their way into the party venue.

从近几年来的研究来看,这方面的研究取得的成果是值得肯定的,但也存在许多不尽人意之处。According to the recent studies, many results obtained by research is desired to affirmative, but there are stilt some deficiencies.

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海城高跷秧歌历史悠久,形成于海城,流行区域遍及辽南。Haicheng Stilt Yangko, with a long history, was formed in Haicheng then spread and popularized all over the southern part of Liaoning province.

踩高跷是民间盛行的一种群众性技艺表演,舞蹈者脚上绑着长木跷在广场进行表演。Stilt walking is a popular folk feat. Its dancer will perform with two long stilts tied on the legs. The art is full of skills and lively forms.

新年期间,玩狮子,舞龙,演戏,说书,高跷,旱船等各种娱乐活动五彩缤纷,绚丽夺目。New Year period, playing the lion, dragon dance, acting, story tellers , stilt walkers, and other entertainment Hanchuan colorful, brilliant display.