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他的朋友逝世的消息使他难以自持而哭了起来。The news of his friend’s death unmanned him and he wept.

不伦不载人的探测器能否在火星上发现生命迹象。Whether or not unmanned probes find signs of life on Mars.

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半自动以及全自动无人机和地面系统。Semiautonomous and autonomous unmanned air and ground systems.

但与哥伦比亚号航天飞机的首次试飞不同,“战神I-X”是无人驾驶的。But unlike that first shuttle flight, Ares I-X will be unmanned.

十年寒窗无人闻,一朝成名天下知。Decade cold window unmanned smell, once famous all over the world.

柳时镇带着姜暮烟重游故地无人岛。Liu town with ginger dusk when smoke revisit pastly unmanned island.

上述定义将排除无人飞船或飞艇。The above definition would rule out unmanned dirigibles or airships.

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飞行机器人是一个极具挑战性的多学科交叉的前沿性研究课题。Unmanned aircraft is a subject of great challenge and multi-subject.

气球在无人的任务会被用来当作运输设备。The balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions.

机器人技术是实现战车无人化的一项重要技术。Robot technology is an important technology for unmanned combat vehicle.

并且髙度的自动化程度,能使之实现无人化的操作和管理。High automation makes the unmanned operation and management be available.

海军播放了无人驾驶侦察机“扫描鹰”拍摄的现场画面。The navy released images of the scene from an unmanned drone, Scan Eagle.

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超小型无人驾驶直升机是近期研究的热点。Super- Mini unmanned helicopter is a hotspot of the research in the world.

与此同时,俄罗斯也正在研制类似的小型无人驾驶空天飞机。At the same time, Russia is developing a similar small unmanned space plane.

以色列公司Aeronatics研发了一种无人机版本的DA42MPP。Israeli company Aeronautics has developed an unmanned version of the DA42 MPP.

安德森先生相信无人机不只是为爱好者娱乐的。Anderson believes that unmanned aircraft are not just for fun-loving hobbyists.

不像传统的无线遥控飞机,无人驾驶航空器可以自主飞行和导航。Unlike traditional radio-controlled planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, or U. A. V.

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我猜他们认为这比我们的高空无人隐形捕猎者还要牛?。I guess they think it more useful that our high flying stealth unmanned predators?

减少他们的尺寸和视觉的冲击,这三个站台是闲置不用的。In order to reduce their size and visual impact, the three platforms are unmanned.

该无人机的类型为AAI公司的Shadow200无人机。The type of unmanned aerial vehicle will be a Shadow 200 from the AAI Corporation.