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无人看守的桌面。Unattended desktop.

这条命令构建了一个无人参与的包。This one command builds a package unattended.

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事故发生在那个无人看管的平交道。The accident happened at that unattended crossroads.

无主车辆、手提箱等令人生疑。Unattended vehicles, suitcases, etc causing suspicion.

这种调用基本上是无人值守和同步的。The invocation is basically unattended and synchronous.

她夺门而出,丢下酒吧不管。She dashed through the door, leaving the bar unattended.

只有两个收银处开着,其他六个都空着没人值班。There were only two tills open, while six others stood unattended.

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这种解决方案意味着服务器不能在无人照管的情况下重新引导。This solution means that a server machine cannot reboot unattended.

无人参与支持允许您轻松地为整个单元的部署编写脚本。Unattended support lets you script deployments of complete cells with ease.

我的朋友M最近去看了一个一年没用的邮箱。My friend M. was recently reacquainted with an in-box unattended for a year.

请不要把点着的香薰置诸不理,勿让儿童及宠物接触。Never leave burning incense unattended. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

自动重合闸的研制使无人值班变电站得以实现。The development of automatic reclosing made the unattended substation practical.

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一些发行版提供了执行自动化无人值守安装的机制。Several distributions offer a mechanism to perform automatic and unattended installs.

安装程序正在为管理型系统服务创建无人看管安装软件包,请等待。Setup is creating unattended install package for Managed System services, please wait.

对满足城市供气管网所需的无人值守调压阀室进行了讨论。In order to supply gas to citizens, this paper discusses unattended supervisory office.

严禁使用花洒、自动喷灌系统以及无人值守的灌溉系统。Sprinklers, garden irrigation systems and unattended hoses are not permitted at any time.

而HARWELL计算机则完全没有这方面的问题,记得有一次这台机器连续自动运算了10天之久,从圣诞节一直算到新年假期结束为止。The machine once ran for ten days unattended over a Christmas and New Year holiday period.

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分娩后大出血的妇女若无人照管,两个小时内便会失去健康的生命。Severe bleeding after birth can kill a healthy woman within two hours if she is unattended.

变电所实行无人值班后,对母线电压的监视通过调度自动化系统实现。The bus voltage is supervised by the dispatch automation system in unattended sub-stations.

如果已经设置了连接,就可以用这种方法执行无人值守的夜间备份。If you have, then this can be an effective way of performing an unattended overnight backup.