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这个鲁莽的墨西哥老人。That imprudent Old Person of Chili.

一味否认这一点是轻率和不切实际的。Insisting otherwise is imprudent and impractical.

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鬼城完全没用。傻子和轻率的笨蛋修建了这些城市。Ghost cities are completely useless. Idiots and Imprudent pillocks build such cities.

要是把这份工作留给一个草率的翻译,做译名可能引来一大堆麻烦。Left in the hands of an imprudent translator, name creation can cause a heap of trouble.

几年前,我会认为这是一种奢侈、浪费或者草率的购买行为。Several years ago, I’d have viewed such purchases as extravagant, wasteful, or imprudent.

父亲和母亲完全不知道这种情形,他们只觉得这门亲事非常冒昧。My father and mother knew nothing of that, they only felt how imprudent a match it must be.

他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽,马马虎虎,粗心大意。He's never imprudent or impudent , inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs.

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如此大的泡沫还需要有野心勃勃的抵押贷款发放者、轻率的购房者和短视的投资者参与其中。A bubble so large also required aggressive mortgage originators, imprudent home buyers and myopic investors.

择偶不慎往往会为婚后生活埋下隐患,并造成当事人婚姻的不幸福和不稳定。Careless and imprudent mate-selection often lays hidden dangers and leads to an unhappy and instable marriage.

修行人获得这些超然的智慧后要谨慎克制,不得以之为谋财、谋名之工具。After possession of this wisdom, he should be imprudent in using it. He should not use it to make fortune and fame.

有人认为是轻率的银行借贷助长了价格的飙升,市场有崩溃的风险。Some conclude that prices have been pumped up by imprudent bank lending and that the market is at risk of crashing.

对于一个明智的政府而言,简单地禁绝广告是把一个复杂、多面问题简单处理的野蛮做法。For a wise government, banning advertising is an imprudent way of oversimplifying a complex, but multifaceted issue.

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他是活泼、聪慧、好脾气,是一个愉快的伴侣,但是也是懒惰、没有思想、而且又粗心大意的人。He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant companion, but idle, thoughtless, and imprudent to the last degree.

他说,不排除进行一起大规模收购,"但我们不会采取任意和轻率的举措."He said a big acquisition could not be ruled out. "But we will not embark on spontaneous and imprudent actions," he said.

跟这种没有财产作为基础的人谈恋爱,实在非常莽撞,你千万别让自己堕上情网,也不要费尽心机使他堕进情网。Do not involve yourself, or endeavour to involve him in an affection which the want of fortune would make so very imprudent.

他绝不会轻易地露出马脚,承认自己是一名伪善者。他整天与大家搅和在一起,认同所有大众的喜怒哀乐,爱好取舍。He is imprudent not to expose himself as a hypocrite. Mixing with people, he agrees on people's views and knows their moods.

试图留在一个炽热的市场中,直到其顶峰,这不仅危险,而且是所有风险中最糟糕和最不谨慎的一种。Trying to stay in a red hot market till the peak is not only dangerous, it is one of the worst and most imprudent risks of all.

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一个天使,这鲁莽的航行者,对丑的热爱引诱着他,他在一个无边的噩梦深处,像游泳者挥动连枷般的双臂。An Angel, imprudent voyager Tempted by love of the deformed, In the depths of a vast nightmare Flailing his arms like a swimmer.

实际上,尽管杜舍尔的动作的确粗野,一周前西班牙人迭戈·特里斯坦对贝克汉姆的铲断却还要恶劣得多。In fact, although it was an imprudent action by Duscher, Spaniard Diego Tristan 's tackle on Beckham the week before was much worse.

但是在托斯卡纳乡村举行的这个婚礼上,这一环节打破了传统习俗,而事实证明此举过于轻率。But at this particular wedding in the Tuscan countryside, it was decided to make what proved to be an imprudent break with tradition.