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萼裂片通常具缘毛。Calyx lobes often ciliate.

苞片和花萼星状毡毛状。Bracts and calyx stellate pannose.

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花萼围绕在花瓣的外层。Calyx encloses an unopened flower bud.

萼裂片宽卵形到近圆形。Calyx lobes broadly ovate to suborbicular.

萼齿突出,合生和宿存。Calyx teeth prominent, connate and persistent.

叶片和萼裂片的边缘具缘毛。Margin of leaf blades and calyx lobes ciliate.

背面花萼具针叶象一样皮刺。Abaxial surface of calyx with needle-like prickles.

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萼裂片3,长不及宽,边缘明显具牙齿。Calyx lobes 3, wider than long, margin distinctly dentate.

卡利克斯公司是世界公认的吡嗪酰胺的最大供应商。CALYX globally ranks as the largest supplier of Pyrazinamide.

花萼的明亮的粉红色颜料,食品着色剂。Calyx of the bright pink pigment, the coloring agent in food.

花萼裂片边缘具小齿或有锯齿,至少一旦近先端。Calyx segment margin denticulate or serrate, at least once near apex.

生长的,增加的开花之后在体积上的增长,如樱桃花萼的生长。Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.

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深深的花萼5裂,增大,在果期在核果的基部的宿存的。Calyx deeply 5-lobed, accrescent , persistent at base of drupe in fruit.

这是您最后一次在这里看到我,将军,除非您会去卡利科斯。This will be the last time you see me, General, unless you should come to Calyx.

其叶为长卯形,叶尖无花瓣,萼裂为四片,实为核果。The length ofd-shaped leaves, tip no petals, calyx split into four, in fact, stone fruit.

所以后来的人,就用“花萼”来比喻兄弟的友爱。That's why the term "flower and calyx" has come to be used to refer to brotherly affection.

结果表明,花瓣、苞片和花萼上、下表皮均有气孔分布。The results showed that stomata distributed in upper and lower epidermis of petal, bract and calyx.

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花萼钟状,管状,漏斗状,有时二唇形的或,5齿的通常短截形或。Calyx campanulate, tubular, or funnelform, sometimes 2-lipped, usually truncate or shortly 5-dentate.

不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.

没有苦中苦,哪来甜中甜?不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.