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在这里的随扈人员将会继续留下。The entourage that is in here is going to remain.

而随从他的一个年青男孩握着他的口袋。and a young boy in his entourage is holding his pocket.

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我不想与您的随员中那些卑劣的家伙们为伍。I do not want to be one of the swines in your entourage.

他是被自己的一名随从谋杀的。That he'd been murdered by a member of his own entourage.

瑞德看到诺顿带着一队随从怒气冲天的走上来。Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.

西索霍的随行人员也一直米兰,他们对此忧心忡忡。Cissokho's entourage are also in Milan and they are concerned.

希特勒周围的人把我这幅画看作是侮漫不敬。In Hitler's entourage this drawing was regarded as blasphemous.

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但是他们已经将注意力投向他的某些随从人员。But they have already set their sights on some in his entourage.

叮儿现在有了一帮子媚惑的小仙女伙伴跟随着。Tink has since gathered an entourage of fellow flirtatious fairies.

在楼下的大厅里,一位女士指着不断接近的人流说,“那是谁啊?”Down in the lobby, a woman pointed at the entourage and said, “Who’s that?”

除北京外,马尔加良总理及其代表团将访问上海。In addition to Beijing, Markarian and his entourage will also visit Shanghai.

他有自己的随从,有自己的警卫队,他有自己的随从And,so,but it's not--he has his entourage, he has his posse, he has his entourage.

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中方发布的新闻稿中已列出了金正日此访的主要陪同人员名单。The press release published by the Chinese side listed his entourage on this visit.

女王的随员多达60人,所以有人说她也带上了爱尔兰炖肉。She travelled with an entourage of 60 and, so it is said, her own supplies of Irish stew.

二外国政府派驻我国之人员及其眷属、随从。Personnel dispatched to the ROC by foreign governments and their dependants and entourage.

国务委员唐家璇等陪同人员同机抵达。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other members of the entourage arrived by the same plane.

与其说这是犯罪,不如说这是你和随从间的默认合同。This is not so much a crime as part of the implied contract between you and your entourage.

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在其他图片元素中同样能反映出这个问题,比如周围环境产生的影子和树木的影子。This holds true for other Photoshopped elements such as entourage shadows and trees shadows.

凌晨3点,当他们的助手在门口忙着打车时,我们录下了这一小段视频。At 3am, with their entourage already outside hailing taxis we recorded this little ditty jam.

若他周围有一群忠实的朋友以及仰慕者,她马上会被其迷住。If he’s surrounded by a constant entourage of friends and admirers, she’s instantly intrigued.