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别干预我的事。Don't tamper with my business.

激光全息防伪字模材料。Laser hologram tamper evident printing material.

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你无权干涉别人的事情。You have no right to tamper with others' affairs.

他们凭什么擅自修改比赛规则?Who are they to tamper with the rules of the game?

候选人企图收买投票人,但未能得逞。The candidate tried to tamper with the voters but in vain.

系统安全性-检测到嵌入式安全硬件改动。System Security-Embedded Security hardware tamper detected.

系统输入能监视电源、保险管及电池的状态。Cabinet tamper and Siren tamper monitoring via System Inputs.

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禁止拉拽、移动或堵塞任何减压装置。Do not plug, remove, or tamper with any pressure-relief device.

若是你损害了这一定位,那么你就是在自找麻烦。When you tamper with this position, you are asking for trouble.

那只聪明的家伙想出打开安全门的办法!The clever fellow figured out how to undo the tamper proof latch!

这样做是为篡改证据和防伪功能。This is done for tamper evidence and anti-counterfeiting feature.

有些情节似乎带有非现实世界的蹊跷神秘。Some non-plot seems to be a mystery to tamper with the real world.

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许多夹层文件防水,抗撕裂证明,和防篡改。Many laminated documents are waterproof, tear proof, and tamper proof.

类似地,可以篡改来自合法查询的实际响应。Similarly, one can tamper with the actual response from a legitimate query.

和往常一样他花很多的时间坐在那个有安全铨的笼子上。As usual he spent a lot of time sitting on the cage with a tamper proof latch.

问题是,李洪志为什么要大量剽窃、篡改佛教名词术语?Why has Li Hongzhi tried to plagiarize and tamper with a lot of Buddhist terms?

官方翻译是“提案中要求药物必须原封不…The proposal requires medications to be in their original, sealed, tamper evident.

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食物被人工干预得越多,我吃的时候感觉就越差。The more human beings tamper with the foods I eat, the worse I feel when I eat them.

你有没有发现对HTTP里的认证和防篡改机制有了越来越多的需求?Do you see the need for augmented authentication and tamper proof mechanisms in HTTP?

如果这些还不够的话,那么设备的物理外壳还能够防篡改。And if all that isn’t enough, the physical casing of the appliance is tamper resistant.