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多动症就像幻灯机。ADHD is like a slide projector.

他有过动症,经常与集中精神做斗争。He has ADHD and often struggles with focus.

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利他能是最为人所知的过动症治疗药物。Ritalin is the best known drug used to treat ADHD.

这项研究涉及43个儿童,多动症11和32的控制。The study involved 43 children, 11 with ADHD and 32 controls.

他现在还在吃治疗注意力缺陷多动症的药,并继续着谈话疗法。He now continues taking medications for ADHD and talk therapy.

有整体的传统的补救方法来针对多动症。There are holistic and traditional remedies that focus on ADHD.

该小组还验证了对多动症儿童使用药物的效果。The team also examined the use of medications in kids with ADHD.

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然而,有人拿出证据认为ADHD可能和基因有些许关系。However, others have cited evidence that ADHD may be partly genetic.

我是真的自我药物治疗的焦虑从我多动症与可卡因。I was actually self- medicating the anxiety from my ADHD with cocaine.

多数无法达成一致的矛盾产生于没查明多动症且未经治疗的时候。Most deal-breaking problems arise when ADHD is unidentified or untreated.

这样,有助于对你的继续治疗以及心理上的辅导,当然,也要和以前的治疗师进行沟通,以方便现在的校医了解你的情况。Your counseling center may have mental health professionals who treat ADHD.

他并没有ADHD症状或医生的处方,但对他来讲获得这种药并不困难。He doesn't have ADHD or a prescription, but the drug is not hard for him to get.

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一旦开始把它当作小儿多动症治疗,全科医生就要承受继续施药的压力。Once ADHD treatment has started, GPs are pressured into continuing the medication.

高冲动ADHD儿童存在额叶功能缺陷,特别是右半球的功能。The ADHD has deficiency at frontal lobe function, especially the right frontal lobe.

其他人可能并未意识到,多动症患者其实并不想招惹麻烦。Other people may not realise that the person with ADHD does not want to cause trouble.

很多因为压力和多动症不能好好学习的孩子都能坐下安静的入静了。Kids who were "unteachable" due to ADHD and stress, are now sitting quietly meditating.

针对ADHD儿童气质特点进行行为矫正可减少行为问题的发生。It can deduce the ADHD children's behavioral problems if we use by the their temperament.

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药物治疗,比如哌醋甲酯可有效治疗患注意力缺陷多动症的孩子。Medications such as methylphenidate can be quite effective in treating children with ADHD.

如果怀疑是多动症,那么就应当由一个专业的多动症康复中心来诊断。If ADHD is suspected, the diagnosis should be made by a professional with training in ADHD.

也许在18岁以下的儿童中,每20个孩子当中就有1个孩子有ADHD的特征。Perhaps as many as 1 out of every 20 kids under the age of 18 have characteristics of ADHD.