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强调行为自律和职业道德。We emphasize in- corruptive behavior and professional moral.

他要竞选巴拉圭总统,改变社会的腐败现象。He wants to run for the Presidency of Paraguay and changes the corruptive phenomenon of the society.

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预防和监测资产转移是追回腐败资产的基础。The precautions and inspections of capital transfer are the base to retrieve the corruptive capitals.

我们必须要制定共同的、明确的计划以遏制这日益腐化、极具破坏性的趋势。We must set common, tangible plans to help remedy what has become a highly corruptive and extremely destructive trend.

专门针对反腐败、打击外逃贪官的国际司法合作得到迅速发展。International cooperation for combating corruption and the fled corruptive officials specially gets a fast development too.

性贿赂与性受贿腐败问题乃当前贪污贿赂等腐败犯罪中普遍存在的现象。Sexual bribery and the corruptive acts of accepting it are universal phenomena existing in current corruptive and bribery crimes.

腐败现象的滋生蔓延已成为我国现代化建设的最主要的障碍之一。Moreover, the spreading of the corruptive phenomenon has become one of the major barriers in China's construction of modernization.

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消极和腐败现象以及日益猖獗的犯罪活动同样会危害社会稳定和协调。Negative and corruptive phenomena and more and more rampant crimes in the society will also jeopardize social stability and harmony.

为了能更好地惩处外逃贪官,我国积极地同世界各国展开司法合作。China is expanding her cooperation with the countries in the world actively in order to do the work of penalizing the fled corruptive officials better.

为尽快惩处外逃贪官,应尽快完善相关的国内立法和国际司法合作体制。The system of legislation and international judicial cooperation should be perfected in order to make the fled corruptive officials be punished sooner.

政治集团是19世纪中后期至20世纪前期活跃于一些美国大城市的腐败政治组织。Political machines are corruptive political organizations in the late 19th century and the early 20th century in many large cities in the United States.

性行贿与性受贿往往引发极其严重的腐败犯罪,致使国家蒙受极大的经济损失。遏制腐败犯罪现象的蔓延,必须有效打击性贿赂犯罪。The sexual bribery and the act of accepting it always lead to extremely severe corruptive crimes which make our country bear fairly heavy economic loss.

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世佳联合住宅采用镀锌钢材,既防腐,又完全不受白蚁等虫害的侵入,提高房屋的使用寿命,降低维修成本。Century House use galvanized steel material which is anti- corruptive and is termite resistant. So service term of the housing can be extended and maintenance cost cut.

吏治败坏,农民负担剧增,激发了大量农民起义,对外防卫也危机四伏。Corruptive officials levied heavy taxes on peasants, triggering countless uprisings. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty faced the danger of attacks from external forces.

此法,能洗去眼中的有害物质和灰尘,还对轻度白内障有效,并能改善散光、远视、近视的屈光不正程度。This method, can wash eyes of harmful substances and dirt, and also for mild cataract effectively, and can improve, farsightedness, astigmatism myopic lasik corruptive degree.

出现了道德滑坡现象及党风和社会风气的问题等等,这是政府和理论界普遍关注的一个重要问题。Corruptive consciousness from western capitalist counties and unhealthy lifestyle came through many ways, moral landslip and problem concerning customs of party and society arise, and so on.

不论从执政地位、改革开放还是从搞好市场经济来说,我们必须严惩腐败、根治腐败。In order to justify ourselves through the test of governing, reforming and opening-up and practising market economy, we must punish corruption harshly and eradicate the corruptive phenomenon.

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其客观根源是外界环境刺激,主要包括社会环境、单位环境、家庭环境和社交环境。The objective resource of the corruptive phenomenon is the stimulation of outside environment, including the social environment, unit environment, family environment and sociality environment.

光纤光栅传感器可以工作在强电磁场、高温有腐蚀性的以及有爆炸危险性的恶劣环境中,因而比其它传感器有更广阔的应用范围。Fiber Bragg Grating sensors can work in the area of strong electromagnetic field, high temperature, corruptive and explosive bad conditions, therefore have more applications than other sensors.

现阶段,我国的贪污贿赂腐败犯罪并未得到有效遏制,中国的头号社会问题即是腐败。The corruption still comes out as the top social problem on the current social stage, for the sake that the corruptive crime, such as the embezzlement and bribe, hasn't yet been curbed effectively.