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我打算带上五弦琴。I think I'll get a banjo.

小男孩弹着班卓琴。The boy picked the banjo.

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膝盖上放着我的班卓琴。With my banjo on my knee.

还带着心爱的五弦琴。With the banjo on my knee.

膝上扣着班卓琴。A banjo buckled on his knee.

你五弦琴弹得怎样?How well can you play the banjo?

永远不要让呤诗的人弹五弦琴。Never ask a bard to play the banjo.

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弹奏五弦琴唱着歌。Strumming on the old banjo and singing.

噢,苏珊娜我来自亚拉巴马,膝上放着班卓琴。Oh, Susanna I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee.

这部电影的配乐是由带脚键盘的管风琴和班卓琴奏出的轻快乐曲。The movie has a chirpy soundtrack of pedal organ and banjo.

经销商价值的古董时钟切尔西班卓琴风格的时钟。Antique clock dealers value the banjo style of Chelsea clocks.

冲压,焊接钢班卓琴住房,单减少,双曲线。Pressed and welded steel banjo housing, single reduction, hypoid.

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三弦是了不起的,不像一个班卓琴这是正义的,嗯,讨厌。Sanxian is marvelous, unlike a banjo which is just, well, annoying.

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

我们的乔想知道你们的乔是否愿意借给我们的乔你们的乔的五弦琴。Our Joe wants to know if your Joe will lend our Joe your Joe's banjo.

他有着一副低沉动听的嗓音,还会弹奏班卓琴。He had a beautiful deep voice, and played an instrument called a banjo.

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后来我结婚了。我的妻子桑迪对班卓的心情跟我不同。Later when I married, my wife Sandy didn't share my feelings about Banjo.

班卓和玛蒂尔达被发现埋在一起,两者很可能分别是捕食者及其猎物。Banjo and Matilda, possibly predator and prey, were found buried together.

她弹吉他等乐器,包括曼陀林和班卓琴。She plays the guitar and other instruments, including the mandolin and banjo.