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安是我的朋友。Ann nis my friend.

安是我其中一个朋友。Ann nis one of my friends.

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激情是我最喜欢的一个坷。Passion nis my favorite word.

这里的“NIS”是该主机的域名。Here "NIS" is the domain name of the host.

汤圆是由糯米粉做成的。Tangyuan nis made from glutinous rice flour.

万圣节前夜还是举办化妆舞会的好时机。Halloween nis also a time for masquerade parties.

氢是温度最低的冷冻剂。Hydrogen nis also one of the coolest refrigerants.

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教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。Education nis the talent 's family, society is her talent.

警方称,多名国家情报院特工也被派到现场。Police say more than NIS agents have been sent to the scene.

痛不痛只有自己知道翈变没变只有你知道。Pain nis only aware of their own has not changed only you know.

冥想是减压瑜伽练习的第一部分。Meditation nis the first part of a stress-relievingyoga routine.

此命令可以读取或者设置主机名或者NIS域名。This command can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname.

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尼哈芬是个宁静的地方,它也是个逗留和观看行人的理想处所。Nyhavn nis peaceful, an ideal place for lingering and people-watching.

当他不情愿地向尼森式的小房子迈动脚步的时候,泥地一直在吮吸着他的双脚。The ground sucked at his feet as he trod reluctantly towards the nis sen hut.

提示NIS是甲状腺自身调节的重要组成部分。The results show that NIS is the important component of this autoregulatory mechanism.

2016年,有30名学生从南京国际学校毕业并开启了他们人生中的新篇章。In 2016,30 students graduated from NIS and have entered a brand-new page of their life.

我们能够通过一个人的身体的动作了解他的许多所四所想。We can learn a lot about what a perso nis thinking by watching his or her body language.

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修正了一个新独立国家在运动有时会造成有两个步兵武器模型。Fixed an issue in the campaign NIS that caused riflemen to sometimes have two weapon models.

创新是企业的灵魂,是企业持续发展的保证!——海尔集团。Innovation nis the soul of the enterprise, is the enterprise sustainable development guarantee!

跟许多这样的产品不同,NIS真的比浏览器内置的反钓鱼过滤强。Unlike many such products, NIS is actually better than the phishing filter built into the browsers.