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没有你的日子了无生趣。Vapid days without you.

接下来的问题就是,复习是一个枯燥无味的工作。The next issue is that reviewing is generally dull and vapid.

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那么,无趣而无偿的裸露,又有什么意思呢?What then is the idea of vapid and obligation-free body baring?

那么,无趣而无偿的裸露,又有什么意思呢?What then is the idea of vapid and obligation-free baring of the body?

伊桑喜欢功夫电影,但乔却认为那是无趣的娱乐。Ethan loves kungfu movies, but Joe thinks they are just vapid entertainment.

孙休被扁子教训了一顿,自觉无趣,摸摸鼻子,走了。Sun Xiu was taught a lesson, feeling vapid. He left with a touch of his nose.

首先它空洞乏味——谁也不会推荐一个让人丧失活力、感到挫败的工作。It is vapid — no one would recommend a job that was enervating and frustrating.

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但正如奥威尔和哈维尔认识到的那样,这类索然无味的辞令并非无害。But, as Orwell and Mr Havel realised, these vapid expression_rs are not harmless.

你们将会看到,你们的这个恹恹无神的气色,酝酿的背景正是生活中,奇形怪状的羞愧。You will see this vapid air of yours run up against an outlandish shame of living.

提到老大哥,温斯顿的脸上便了无生气地掠过了一丝向往的表情。A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston's face at the mention of Big Brother.

多虚伪呀,功用太重又索然无味扼杀了生命的生机与灿烂。Too much hard working will make life vapid and kill the vitality and sunshine of life.

前千禧年派对永恒的状况如何看待?上帝要来报复?Pre-millennialism – vapid understanding of the eternal state – God will get his licks in.

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我记得我小时候看电视带来的狂欢以及看了数小时电视之后的索然无味的感觉。I remember bingeing on television when I was a child and having that vapid feeling after watching hours of TV.

但是,任何游戏都有可能突然消失掉,它的本质就是虚拟的,总有一天玩家们会觉得它无趣。However, any games can be fall down suddenly or disappear silently. Because its essence is virtual, and maybe it will become vapid.

今天,人们忍不住想到艺术家们那种无政府状态似的积极精神已经变得索然无味并且“自由无稽”。Today, one can't help sensing that what began as a positive spirit of anarchy has descended into a vapid , untrammelled 'anything-goes'.

这小段有关独角兽和记忆力的探讨也许会让你认为机器人的内心独白都是相当怪异和无趣的。That little argument about unicorns and memory could leave you with the impression that a robot's inner monologue is pretty bizarre and vapid.

然而高校思想政治理论课教学还存在不少亟待解决的问题,思想政治理论课尚未摆脱空洞说教、枯燥乏味的课程形象。However, there are many problems in the political theory course teaching now. In many people' eyes, it has become a vapid and tiring curriculum.

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显然大学教育并没有全部的答案,否则的话年轻人不会对大学学的东西不满,认为它们枯燥乏味。Obviously the colleges don't have more than a partial answer ------ otherwise the young would not be so disaffected with an education they consider vapid.

如果句子结构太僵硬,选字太严格精确,文章就会失去生气,变得矫揉造作、呆板,甚至乏味。If the framework of a sentence is too rigid, or word choices are too precise, life is sucked right out of the writing. It becomes stilted, or wooden, or vapid.

我所说的和做的会被断章取义,恶意曲解或用来塑造一个模式化的极无聊,心灵空虚的艳星形象。Anything I say or do will be taken out of context and thrown back in my face, or used to perpetuate the stereotype of completely vapid and mentally useless porn stars.