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她也是一个在全国西门子在数学,科学和技术的竞争在2010年打进四强。She also was a semifinalist in the national Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology in 2010.

包括温布尔登和美国公开赛在内,他共获得了11次冠军,同时也成为澳大利亚和法国公开赛上,初赛就获准晋级半决赛的选手。He won 11 titles, including Wimbledon and the U. S. Open, and was a semifinalist at the Australian and French Opens.

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闯进2006年法网半决赛,世界第十的瓦娃在布拉格。她由于学校有考试,所以她正享受渡假。Semifinalist of French Open 2006 and world No. 10 Nicole Vaidisova is in Prague. She consists exams at school and she is going to go on holiday.

您能够入选进入准决赛,是相当高的成就,您和您的一家应该为这个卓越的成绩感到无比骄傲。Your selection as a semifinalist is an exceptional achievement and you and your family should take great pride in this outstanding accomplishment.

请接受我最热诚的祝贺,祝贺你被选入2006-07西门子算术,科学,和技术竞赛的准决赛!Please accept my heartiest congratulations on being selected as a semifinalist in the 2006-07 Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology!

澳网进入半决赛的郑洁,下一场将要迎战的是莫里克,莫里克是以6-0,6-2战胜了英国入围选手巴堤查而挤入16强的。Australian Open semifinalist Zheng next faces Alicia Molik, who cruised into the round of 16 with a 6-0, 6-2 victory over British qualifier Elena Baltacha.

美电视选秀节目"美国偶像"最近陷入窘境,因为有媒体报道"美国偶像"年度半决赛选手戴维·埃尔南德斯曾是男性脱衣舞表演者。Hot US TV show "American Idol" was put in a quandary by reports saying David Hernandez, a semifinalist of the competition, used to work as a male stripper.

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NTV电视台报道说,名列第六和2007年美国网球公开赛初赛选手安娜,在莫斯科郊外的家中被绑架达30分钟,但是她并未重伤。Chakvetadze, ranked No. 6 and a 2007 U. S. Open semifinalist , was bound for 30 minutes in her home outside Moscow but not seriously hurt, NTV television reported.

这几年,穆雷已经被问及很多次他现在面临的压力,就像在他之前四次闯进温网半决赛的蒂姆•亨曼那样,要为热爱网球的英国获得一个冠军。For years, Murray has been asked about the pressure he faced, like four-time Wimbledon semifinalist Tim Henman before him, to give Britain a champion in a sport it loves.

另外,为了表示对您成就的赞誉,我们将给您就读的高中发放奖旗,表彰您的中学有一名06-07的西门子准决赛获得者。In addition, to acknowledge your achievement we will be mailing your high school a banner to display announcing that there is a 2006-07 Siemens Competition Semifinalist at your high school.