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同时,下调中央银行再贷款、再贴现利率。At the same time, the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate.

同时,降低了中央银行再贷款和再贴现利率。At the same time, lowered the central bank refinancing and rediscount interest rates.

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同时,央行降低再融资和再贴现利率,等等。At the same time, the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate, and so on.

第二章,论述西方票据市场和再贴现政策。In chapter two , i discuss western negotiable instrument market and rediscount policy.

在货币政策工具方面,削弱了存款准备金的效力,降低了再贴现政策的效果。As for monetary policy tools, it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy.

在货币政策工具方面,削弱了存款准备金的效力,降低了再贴现政策的效果。As for monetary policy tools , it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy.

货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation.

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在发达国家中,为了保住黄金储备,约有六个国家采取了提高再贴现率的人为措施。And a common artificial respirator of gold reserves among perhaps half-dozen leading countries is the raised rediscount rate.

中央银行再贴现业务,作为中央银行的货币政策工具,对传导货币政策发挥了重要作用。As a monetary policy instrument, the central banks rediscount business has played a vital role in transmitting monetary policy.

银行可以拿这些国债与欧洲央行进行再贴现,但只要这些国债的收益比现金高,它们就不会这样做。Banks could rediscount the bills with the ECB but they would not do so as long as they earned more on the bills than on the cash.

存款准备金、再贴现、公开市场业务并称为货币政策的“三大法宝”。Deposit reserves, rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy.

如连续降低存贷款利率,调低商业银行存款准备金率,灵活运用窗口指导政策、扩大再贴现和中央银行再贷款规模等。Interest has been decreased successively, deposited reserve has also been lowered , and rediscount and reloan from PBC has been enlarged, etc.

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金融调控手段主要有法定存款准备金率调控、再贴现率调控、公开市场业务调控等。And the monetary control means mainly includes legal reserve requirement rate control, rediscount rate control, and open market business control, etc.

日本央行可以通过调度再贴现利率,直接对商场上的存告贷利率进行调整。Japan's central bank rediscount rates can be achieved by scheduling, directly on the remaining countries to adjust interest rates in the market place.

利率市场化后我国的利率结构主要是中央银行的再贴现率、金融市场利率及金融机构存贷款利率。After the liberalization chinese main interest rate structure is rediscount of central bank, financial market rate and deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit.