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一个蒙面男子抓住基斯的手。A hooded man grabbed Keith's hand.

与人造毛皮内衬连帽外套。Hooded jacket lined with faux fur.

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在绞死他之前,他们给他戴上了面罩。They hooded him before hanging him.

照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps.

冠海豹因它们头上的冠而得名。A hooded seal get its name the hood on its head.

他送给我一个带玻璃罩的小座钟。He gave me a small clock hooded with a glass cover.

眼睛经常是“带帽”和“东方”的外观。Eyes often are "hooded" and "oriental" in appearance.

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第五个戴着兜帽的形体,开始在马车上翻滚起来。The fifth hooded shape began to writhe atop the wagon.

擦干了伤口,他穿上了齐踝的长的有兜帽的长袍。Drying his wounds, he donned his ankle-length, hooded robe.

晨跑的时候喜欢穿有帽子的运动衫。I wear a hooded sweatshirt when I go running in the moring.

冠海豹妈妈只在小海豹出生的头一个礼拜给它们喂奶!Hooded seal mothers feed their babies milk for just one week!

又是噗的一声,比刚才那声更响,又一个戴兜帽的身影显形了。With a second and louder pop, another hooded figure materialized.

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有篷四轮马车一种四轮有篷马车,后有敞开的,有。A four-wheeled closed carriage having an open, hooded seat behind.

婴儿用的,用很厚的布料做的合身的,连在外套上的睡袋。A snug-fitting, hooded sleeping bag of heavy material for infants.

今年春季白头鹤种群数量调查外业工作已经结束。The bird census on hooded cranes for this spring has been completed.

她用手把遮住她眼睛的一束头发理了理。She combed a tuft of her hair up with her hand, which hooded her eye.

我看见带着头巾的年轻人们沿着我家门口的路跑向商店。I watched hooded youths brazenly running up my road towards the store.

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我勉勉强强地穿上带兜帽的防雨外套和沉重的黑雨靴,全副武装。Reluctantly I gear up in a hooded rainproof coat and heavy black boots.

于是她披上带帽袍子踏入了她的露台。Instead she slipped into a hooded robe and stepped out onto her terrace.

白头鹤在注视着,凝望着什么,似乎在警觉着敌人的攻击。Hooded Crane is gazing and staring at , as if in vigilance enemy's attack.