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那斑鸠唤来的奔骤的风雨!The rain called up by the turtledove.

你可听到那斑鸠的叫唤?Do you hear the cooing of the turtledove?

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有时他们模拟“斑鸠吃谷子”等形象。Sometimes they imitate a turtledove picking up grain.

把这件事告诉牛蛙、猎鸡鹰和斑鸠。Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove.

到达南山之前,我首先将自己变成斑鸠。Arrives in front of Nanshan, I first turn own the turtledove.

求你不要将你斑鸠的性命交给野鹰,永远也不要忘记你的穷苦人的性命。Do not betray your turtledove to the beast, do not forget forever the life of your poor.

家里的铁窗外是开满白色小花的梧桐树,早上还会有斑鸠在那里歌唱。Home iron window is full of white flowers on the Chinese parasol trees, the morning will still be there singing turtledove.

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一只杜鹃在树枝上发出阵阵哀啼,一只可爱的斑鸠听到了,便向它询问,希望能帮助它排忧解难。A cuckoo in a tree was crowing sorrowfully. Hearing this, a caring turtledove asked about her sadness in the hope of helping her out.

他说,你为我取一只三岁的母牛、一只三岁的母山羊、一只三岁的公绵羊、一只斑鸠、一只雏鸽。And He said to him, Bring Me a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old female goat and a three-year-old ram and a turtledove and a young pigeon.

王连举的叛变使李玉和成为鸠山截获密电码乃至摧毁地下党的关键性人物。Wang Lianju's mutiny makes Li Yu is mixed become turtledove hill to intercept and capture close code and even the decisive person that destroy subterranean party.