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那…这个受害人是个体育赌徒么?Your victim's a sports bettor ?

下注者手中有明天比赛的内部消息。The bettor has hot tips for tomorrow's race.

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该投注者则有五个起草新的价值观的选择。The bettor then has an option of drawing up to five new values.

我猜一般的投注者可能会…依靠掷硬币…I guess the average bettor might as well just, what, flip a coin.

你不想成为一个投注者谁欠的钱给这些人。You don't want to be a bettor who owes money to these individuals.

最终,最值得信赖的信息来源是投注者本人。Ultimately, the most trusted source of information is the bettor himself.

如果这些信念是错的或假的,死是最终决定,有什麽投注失去了什麽?If those beliefs are wrong or false, and death is final, what has the bettor lost?

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而是吃很多水果和蔬菜,因为她认为水果和蔬菜有利于健康。She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, because she thinks they are bettor for her good health.

不过,一手只押注两元的赌客只有免费的饮料可以喝,“豪客”则能获得一切服务甚至超越他们的要求。But where a two-dollar bettor is given free drinks, a high roller gets everything he wants and more.

很难成为有利可图的体育投注店无能力的最佳路线。It is very difficult to be a profitable sports bettor without the ability to shop for the best line.