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我的身份是什么?What is my identity?

你的身份是什么呢?What is your identity?

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他们的自我认同的身份是什么What is their identity?

消息没有同一性。Messages have no identity.

这是单位矩阵么?Is this the identity matrix?

给他的情绪一种身份。Give His Feelings an Identity.

米高梅发现了嘉宝的独特之处。MGM had found Garbo’s identity.

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她以假身分作掩护。She hid behind a false identity.

什么是应用程序标识?What is the application identity?

同一性是偶然的吗Is it that identity is contingent?

中南海附近的标识牌。Near Zhongnanhai, the identity card.

尽管,这,是一场认同的危机。This, though, is an identity crisis.

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人格同一性的关键是什么?What's the key to personal identity?

我无意间发现了他的真实身份。His real identity was surprised by me.

与标识提供者的集成。Integration with an identity provider.

我们劝说夏青公开身份。Xia Qing persuade our public identity.

仆人的身份奠基于基督Servants base their identity in Christ.

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个人的同一性的本质是什么?What's the nature of personal identity?

抑郁甚至没收了我的身份。Depression even confiscates my identity.

他把工作证亮了一下就进去了。He showed his identity card and went in.