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这下子公主可就慌了。Right now princess might fluster.

汽车喇叭的响声使司机感到慌乱。The honk of horn fluster the driver.

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耐心地忍受丢失钥匙的狼狈。Accept the fluster of lost door keys.

她笑得父母很慌乱。She laughed her parents into a fluster.

她是个非常沉着的人。没什么能让她惊慌的。She is a very calm person. Nothing could fluster her.

她是个非常沉着的人。没什么能让她惊慌的。She was a very calm person. Nothing could fluster her.

就算是兰帕德和特里的受伤也并未让这位意大利人慌了神。Not even injuries to Frank Lampard and John Terry could fluster the Italian.

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在碰到问题地时分,可以沉着地考虑,不至于惊慌失措。Can calm down at the time of meeting a problem of thinking, be unlikely to fluster.

庆嫂手忙脚乱地给心兰换着衣服。The celebrating a sister-in-law to fluster ground changes clothes for heart orchid.

他这才发现,原来自己慌乱间进了女厕。His this ability discovers, entered between personal fluster oneself so female lavatory.

是谣言引起的慌乱,我会及时公布真实的信息。If the truth is the rumours bring fluster , I would tell everybody the right information in time.

我在心里诅咒小妖的多事,双眼却慌乱地在酒吧四周无目的地扫射。In my heart, my eyes curse small demon of much but fluster when in bars around aimlessly volleys.

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龚光杰手忙脚乱的除下长裤,露出两条生满了黑毛的大腿。And now the wretch in a great fluster took off his outer trousers, revealing his fat black-hairy legs.

对研究参与者的情绪存在不同的影响,主要体现在抑郁、慌乱和疲劳维度。The influence on the emotion of subjects is mainly reflected in depression, fluster and fatigue dimensions.

“没,没有。”他垂下的眼眸看不出眼中的慌乱,努力的用着最平静的。"Have no, have no. "The eyes of his pendency can not acquaint the fluster in the eye and use to be calm most hard.

“我将表明我的观点,”她微笑着说道,没有一丝的慌乱。“他按照方案服药,伟哥是一种很棒的药物。可以吗?”"I'll make this statement, " she said, smiling without a hint of fluster. "He was in the protocol, and it's a great drug, O. K. ?"

我知道,要想克服恐惧,必须毫无犹豫,起而行动,唯有如此,心中的慌乱方得平定。I know, to overcome fear, without hesitation, must be the action, but it is the only way, in the heart of fluster party have to calm.

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翘眉大骇,顿时也只觉心胸促闷,性命攸关,她慌乱之下,竟跑了回来。Raise eyebrow big Hai, immediately also feel the mind urge stuffy, the life has narrative to, her fluster under, UGG Classic Cardy Boots, unexpectedly ran back.