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大乘涅磐佛经发现了涅磐。Mahayana Nirvana sutra find out about Nirvana.

对涅槃的理解写在大乘经典上。Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

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在大乘佛教的中文版本之中也发现了许多韵诗。In Mahayana Chinese version also has find some stanzas.

没有学者能够声称自己是大乘佛教所有领域里的专家。No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism.

大乘戒与密乘戒,有何不同?What is the difference of precepts between Mahayana and Vajrayana?

大乘佛教中的两大派别在这一问题上时常发生争论。The two main schools of Mahayana Buddhism often debate this problem.

帕德马?萨姆维则承诺将他们安置在大乘佛教先贤祠。Padmasambhav in his turn, promise to entroll them in the Mahayana Patheon.

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婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion.

这经文一直关押在大乘佛教国家的最大的尊敬。This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries.

大乘佛教与小乘佛教几乎同时进入中国。The Mahayana Buddhism and The Hinayana Buddhism came into China almost simultaneously.

传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and the Hinayana.

他精通汉语和印度语言,并翻译了100多篇大乘佛教原文。Proficient in both the Chinese and Indian languages, he translated over 100 Mahayana texts.

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灵鹫山是佛陀二转法轮开示大乘教法之处,身为大乘佛教徒是一定要来的。This is where Shakyamuni disclosed the Mahayana teachings so it is a must-see for Mahayana Buddhists.

在整个大乘文献中,有很多关于佛陀和阿罗汉浮图的参考资料。There are many references to stupas for the Buddha and arahats throughout the entire Mahayana literature.

所有从上座部、大乘和金刚乘的领导僧人,都一同决定你们的师尊是我们的师尊。All the leading monks from Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana together decided that your Master is our Master.

比方说,依照佛教的传统,大乘佛教的和尚,他们至少是吃素的,而且不结婚。For example in the buddhist tradition the monks of the mahayana eat vegetarian at least and they are unmarried.

大乘佛教的比丘与比丘尼所奉行的律藏,是由一些非大乘的部派所结集的。Mahayana Buddhist monks and nuns adhered to Vinaya rules which were formulated by the non- Mahayana traditions.

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两派在这方面的主张展示了大乘佛教的核心思想和显著特色。The theories in this respect of the two schools have shown the core view and main feature of Mahayana Buddhism.

二千五百多年来,佛教发展出两大主要传统,即南传上座部佛教和北传大乘佛教。For over 2,500 years, Two major traditions in Buddhism have been developed – Theravada 's Sthavira and Mahayana.

佛法是这麽方便、圆融,这是大乘佛法的殊胜可贵。Therefore, we again see that Mahayana Buddhism is highly flexible, as it accords with the existing circumstances.