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总有一天,缅甸将会再次成为主要的出口国家。One day Myanmar will reemerge as a major exporter.

这场危机终将过去,一个更强大的金融体系将伴随美国再度崛起。This crisis will pass and America will reemerge with a far sounder financial system.

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信任需要反复与政府之间的人,所以国家可以团结的一次。Trust needs to reemerge between the government and the people so the nation can be united once more.

直到19世纪才市又开始活跃起来,并从后面的墙壁重现。Not until the 19th century did the city again begin to come alive and reemerge from behind its walls.

在缓慢下沉的泰坦尼克号上,有足够的时间让由社会决定的行为模式重新出现。On the slowly sinking Titanic, there was time for socially determined behavioral patterns to reemerge.

奥萨马解释说,为了抵制西方影响,卡扎菲曾经禁止童子军活动,后来又允许他们重组。Osama explained that Qaddafi had once banned the Scouts as an insidious Western influence but later allowed them to reëmerge.

心理过程中的这些缺陷可能会,并且常常会遗传给后代,并在后代身上再次出现。These deficits in mental processes can be and often are passed on across the generations, only to reemerge in subsequent later generations.

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“如果我们能确定造成传染的根源,那我们就能采取措施,防止病毒以其他略微不同的形式重新造成疫情,”她说道。If we can determine the origin we can also take measures to ensure that the virus doesn't reemerge in a slightly different form, " she said."

金融危机过后随之而来的是货币危机,当我们以为旧时通胀危机已经过去的时候它又回来了。Then the old inflation risks we were thinking was already vanished will reemerge. How should the internal audit profession react to this new risk?

直到演话剧的当天,久违的小钝再度出现在同学面前,形势却朝着不可预测的方向发展。Till what perform a stage play that day, long-unseen small reemerge dully before the classmate, situation however forward uncertain direction develops.

因为Ganymede的轨道是倾斜的,并几乎和地球的轨道擦边,所以常常可以见到它例行公事般的在木星前面晃悠过去,然后消失在木星背后,不久便又出现,如此周而复始。Because Ganymede's orbit is tilted nearly edge-on to Earth, it routinely can be seen passing in front of and disappearing behind its giant host, only to reemerge later.

不管你是写下自己的感觉或在心里做对话,你的消极感觉都会变弱,积极感觉会再度出现。Whether you write down your feelings or do it mentally, by exploring, feeling, and expressing your negative feelings they loose their power and positive feelings reemerge.

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此外,当夏季退税的临时效果不灵时,消费疲软将再现,因此企业盈利的突然触底也会起到推动作用。And it will be driven by downside surprises on corporate profits when weak consumption will reemerge as the temporary effects of the tax rebates fizzle out over the summer.

南方300哩的帕连奎仍努力从丛林破土而出,至今只有一些建筑物出土,当年兴建时一律没使用金属工具或轮子。Line 4】 300 miles south at Palenque, a city struggles to reemerge from thejungle. Only a handful of structures have been excavated. All built withoutmetal tools or the wheel.

虽然斯维特拉娜霍尔金娜是一位曾经获得七枚奥运金牌的俄罗斯体操名将,但很少有人知道帮她走出运动生涯低谷的正是大运的舞台。ALTHOUGH Svetlana Khorkina is a world-famous Russian gymnast and seven-time Olympic medalist, not many people know that it was the Universiade that helped her reemerge from the doldrums.