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我可能不太会念这个名字。I may have trouble pronouncing this.

对新单词的发音我总是有困难。I always have difficulty in pronouncing new words.

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我在空闲的时候…会念念你的名字。想想你的声音…In my spare time. Can you name pronouncing. Think of voice.

在中国以外,工作人员甚至为公司名称的发音犯难。Outside of China, even staff have trouble pronouncing its name.

众正没有主意之际,听到二毛说得头头是道,也言听计从。The idea is not, as heard two hairs pronouncing on, and opinions.

杨广听姬威说得头头是道,不再问姬威的罪。YangGuang listen to JiWei pronouncing on, no longer ask JiWei sin.

我想着,这一下肯定是完蛋了,再无幸理。I think, this pronouncing all of a sudden is to doom, repeatedly have not luckily cause.

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那么,就是这些人现在宣布美利坚合众国的信用水平?So these people are now pronouncing on the creditworthiness of the United States of America?

亚太地区的人发“L”音都比较困难,郑医师说。People from the Asia Pacific region have difficulty in pronouncing the "L" sound, says Dr Jung.

假若埃格蒙特舅舅听到劳伦斯·莱弗茨对别人社会地位的看法,他会说什么呢?What would uncle Egmont have said of Lawrence Lefferts's pronouncing on anybody's social position?

株洲县入学习普通话声母有一些难点和失误。The native of Zhuzhou County have some difficulty in correctly pronouncing Standard Chinese consonants.

“这个史崴朋,”他说,试图执行自己的计划,却把史文朋读作了史崴朋。"This man Swineburne, " he began, attempting to put his plan into execution and pronouncing the I long.

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这儿是京城,有老夫人看着呢,夫人肯定对巧珍好一些。Here is a chief city, does the antique madam looking at, and madam's pronouncing Jean is very some to the Qiao.

使用洪恩朗读者的书籍可以确保发音正确。Using books enabled with Touch and Talk technology can help them to make sure they are pronouncing words correctly.

当发元音的时候,试着将舌头压到最低,同时将上腭抬高。While pronouncing your vowels, try to keep your tongue as low in the mouth as possible while keeping the roof high.

如果有些单词你经常不能够正确发音,那就找一个能够帮你纠正发音的人。Consider finding someone whom you can ask to correct you if there are words you are regularly pronouncing incorrectly.

我于是电传了稿件,宣布战争结束了,山姆大叔和南越共和国胜利了。I cabled my copy announcing the end of the war and pronouncing victory for Uncle Sam and the South Vietnamese republic.

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这星期我才正开始学习,用不同于英文以及中文的印尼话从1数到10。This week I just started off pronouncing one to ten in Indonesian, which is very different from either Chinese or English.

他谴责波罗的海三国和乌克兰政府“把前纳粹共犯视为民族英雄”。He accused governments in the Baltic states and Ukraine of "pronouncing former Nazi accomplices to be their national heroes".

一些学习者仅仅是看看学习材料,而不读出来,或者边听边小声说出来。Some learners simply read the material they are studying without pronouncing it or quietly whisper the sentences as they hear them.