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这如何比相似唯名论更优?How is this better than Resemblance Nominalism?

因此,霍布斯的法律概念基于他的唯名论之上。Therefore, Hobbes'concept of law is based on his nominalism.

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这种观点是典型的对比与唯和现实主义。This view is typically contrasted with nominalism and realism.

从前的唯名论现在身陷一个充满敌意、世俗的环境当中。The nominalism of days past is now in a hostile, secular environment.

主要中世纪和现代观点对问题的共性以外唯名。The major medieval and modern view on the problem of universals other than nominalism.

在民族分裂63年后,我们仍然没有从唯名论的白日梦中醒来。We still do not wake up from the daydream of nominalism after 63 years of national division.

第五部分论述了巴克莱极端唯名论对后世的影响及其评价问题。Part V discusses the Barclays extreme nominalism of the future generations and its evaluation.

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唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.

根据这样的意义理論,阿伯拉尔的唯名論实际上也就是概念論。According to this theory of meaning, this kind of nominalism is the exact equivalence of conceptualism.

第一部分就巴克莱极端唯名论的思想渊源做了一下粗略回顾。The first part of the Barclays extreme nominalism The Ideological Origins of doing a bit rough reviewed.

历史学家把中世纪关于共相的三个主要观点称为实在论、概念论和唯名论。The three main mediaeval points of view regarding universals are designated by historians as realism, conceptualism , and nominalism.

文章认为,极端实在论和极端唯名论的可能世界学说都是错误的,真正具有可行性的可能世界学说应是温和的实在论。The dissertation holds that possible worlds doctrines of extreme realism and extreme nominalism are both mistaken, and that the really feasible one should be moderate realism.

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主要是针对中世纪唯名论思想,由此引出唯名论思想的发展进程,并延伸至巴克莱极端唯名论思想的形成特点。Mainly aimed at the medieval nominalism thinking, this leads to only one theory of thought in the development process, and extends to the extreme nominalism Barclays Thought features.

语言由命名语言变为符号语言或曰从唯实论转为唯名论,也即语言的内在性变化为外在性,这正是现代性的起源。The change from naming language to sign language or from realism to nominalism can be formulated in terms of change from internalities to externalities, which is the origin of modernity.

巴克莱在其极端唯名论的立场上,更深刻的揭示了唯名论、唯实论斗争要害的抽象观念理论,使其唯名论思想上升到新的高度。Barclays, in its extreme nominalist position, the more profound revealed nominalism, realism vital struggle against the abstract idea of the theory of nominalism thought it rose to new heights.

语言的象似性问题是一个古老的话题,是在和语言任意性学说的争辩之中发展起来的。The theory of iconicity, which can be traced back to ancient Greek, was put forward in contrast to that of arbitrariness and at that time, there was heated debate between Realism and Nominalism.