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“我马上过来,”对方说。"I'll be right over, " said the ornithologist.

他懂得5种语言并是一名鸟类学者。He spoke five languages and was an expert ornithologist.

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我觉得自己好像是一个正在寻找稀有物种的鸟类学家。I felt like an ornithologist looking for a rare species.

奥利维亚称自己是一名鸟类爱好者,希望有一天成为鸟类学家。Olivia calls herself a bird-lover who hopes to one day become an ornithologist.

2006年一位名叫马克·安德森的鸟类学者监督着这片自然保护区的建设。An ornithologist named Mark Anderson oversaw construction of the island in 2006 as a sanctuary for the birds.

这是约翰•詹姆斯•奥都本的人物简介。他是一位艺术家和鸟类学者,擅长于绘画和编目北美的鸟类。A profile of the artist and ornithologist John James Audobon, famous for painting and cataloguing the birds of North America.

“人们真的是非常震惊,”阿肯色州野禽与鱼类委员会的资深鸟类学家卡伦.罗说,“这真的让人很恐慌。”“People were pretty shell-shocked,” said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “It was very disturbing.”

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“人们真的是非常震惊,”阿肯色州野禽与鱼类委员会的资深鸟类学家卡伦.罗说,“这真的让人很恐慌。”“People were pretty shell-shocked, ” said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “It was very disturbing.”

马特.墨菲是威尔士乡村委员会的鸟类学家,他表示,气候的变化已经影响到威尔士橡树林中的斑姬鹟,改变了这种鸟类的繁殖习惯。Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.

鸟类学家是专业的鸟人,他们不止在鸟种方面,在鸟类行为学、解剖学、生理学和鸟种进化史等方面都受过先进专业的科学训练。An ornithologist is a professional birder with advanced scientific training about not only bird species but also about behavior, anatomy, physiology and bird species history.