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反正我是觉得很奇怪。It's very confusing now.

那章书可把人看糊涂了。That chapter is confusing.

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这看上去有些混乱。This seems to be a bit confusing.

于是上帝将造——弗之孙。And God saw that it was confusing.

使用的是难懂的黑话。They use confusing in-house language.

他老是分不清盐和糖。He's always confusing salt with sugar.

人们常误认这两位孪生子。People are always confusing the twins.

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毛头小孩的生活总是如此,它充满了困惑与不解。The life of a teenager is so confusing.

人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱。Life is full of confusing and disordering.

这有点难以看得明白。This is a little bit of a confusing thing.

至此,我的回答似乎还是让人感到糊里糊涂。The answer seems to be as confusing as ever.

我觉得从句很难。I find the subordinations are very confusing.

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我奋力总结出这个令人困惑的交换条件。I struggled to sum up the confusing exchange.

我被这些混乱的指示弄胡涂了。I am mixed up about these confusing directions.

这些眼点对迷惑捕食者非常有用。The eyespots are great for confusing predators.

飞絮的迷离与我彻底告别。Fly Xu of confusing thoroughly take leave with me.

虽然完成了,但是它很慢,而且难用。That worked, but it was slow and pretty confusing.

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使用自定义功能制作一个难用的界面Using custom chrome to create confusing interfaces

下面我们用几个例子来消除你的困惑。I'll give you some examples so it's less confusing.

多数左派迄今都是沿用的这个莫名其妙的用法。Most of the left has followed this confusing usage.