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我想这应该是一次有趣的相识。I think this was an interesting acquaintanceship.

这样就有了相识的可能。This settled the probability of acquaintanceship.

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在这种场合,陌生人相识。At this kind of situation, stranger acquaintanceship.

起码在他们认识的头两年,不存在那种关系。Not for the first two years of their acquaintanceship.

你刚认识她就对她作出评价,这是不公平的。It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship.

希望我们的相识能成为美好的回忆!!!Hope we of acquaintanceship can become the fine recollection! ! !

否则,你拥有的就只是一个喜欢的熟人。Motor mouth chemistry. Otherwise, all you have is a fond acquaintanceship.

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除了学习、收集邮票、和中国人交朋友和到中国旅行,还有一个办法认识中国,就是学习华文。Beyond study, stamps, acquaintanceship and travel lies still another way to learn about China.

路,我好想你,虽然这是第一天,而在这蓝天白云下我依然想听见你的声音你的呼吸。Lu, today is the first day that i tide over the night without you till i am acquaintanceship with you.

但从思想认识上,还有欠缺,理论上还缺乏深入的探讨。But there still has deficiency in thinking and acquaintanceship with the lack of deep discussions in theory.

专业和学生本人参加体育锻炼都是大学生对体育赞助认知度中的满意度影响因素。Factors impact the acquaintanceship degree and satisfaction degree, such as the major, the sport the student has.

人与人之间的相识相知,不就是因为他们之间的那一份早已注定的缘份吗?The interpersonal acquaintanceship mutually knows, Isn't you because of their fate which has been already destines?

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由于拥有这些起维系作用的经历,就很容易从相识逐步发展成为友谊。With being able to have these bonding experiences, it is easy for and acquaintanceship to evolve into a friendship.

对滑带土微观结构的研究分析,验证了所得滑带土强度规律性的认识。A result of the microscopic structure's research analysis to the slide zone soil has confirmed the acquaintanceship obtained.

就在他们开始相识的那年秋天,她嫁给了里菲医生,可是第二年春天,她就死了。In the fall after the beginning of her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following spring she died.

我和德宏老弟认识已有好些年了,但真正的相识恐怕还是在他的画室里。I with Dehong the understanding has already had a quite a few year, but if real acquaintanceship is perhaps still in his studio.

专业和学生本人参加体育锻炼都是大学生对体育赞助认知度中的满意度影响因素。Factors impact the acquaintanceship degree, such as the sport the student has, the sport news the student reads, the attention eldership pays.

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随着对外语学习的进一步认识,我们发现作为个体的学习者本身在这一过程中扮演着极为重要的角色。With the further acquaintanceship to foreign language study, we realize the importance of individual learners themselves during the whole process.

这种情况说明人类对于平等的理解远没有达成共识,平等的内涵也必然会随社会本身的变化而发生波动。A common acquaintanceship is not compassed by human being's comprehension about equality. The meaning about equality fluctuates necessarily with social changes.

尽管从外表上看他和海伦只不过是泛泛之交,但却时常思念她,感到她是属于他自己私下里的和个人的某种事物。Although his acquaintanceship with Helen was outwardly But casual, she was often the suBject of his thoughts and he felt that she was something private and personal to himself.