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裁判判那球进了。The ref allowed it.

裁判是个婊子。C. The Ref is a wanker.

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裁判刚罚了市队一个球。The ref just gave City a penalty.

于是我举旗了,裁判吹了。I raised the flag and the ref blew.

裁判刚罚了市队一个球。The ref 's just give city a penalty.

我已附上正确的一份供你参考。I have attached the correct one for your ref.

远征军的大溃败给一切人都带来严重影响。The ref FSV mainz give all brings the serious influence.

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最后,裁判把他抬出了体育馆。Finally, the ref physically threw him out of the building.

低调是一位裁判在吹罚比赛时索拥有的最好品质。In a referee, low profile is the best quality a ref can have.

服务员大爷终于出现了,原来是NBA的前裁判蒂姆多纳吉呀。The waiter finally appears and it was ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy.

参考文献41对这方面的工作有更为详尽的阐述。A more detailed description of this work can be found in Ref. 41.

冷藏机组保护装置试验及打冷试验。Ref. Plant to be done protection device test and cooling-down test.

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该死的老裁判不给姚罚球,他太老了,都不想活了。Fu That old ref didn't call that foul for YAO. He's too old to live.

冷藏氟利昂管系密性测验和真空测验。Ref. Freon piping to end up done air-tightness test and vacuum test.

冷藏机组保护装置测验及打冷测验。Ref. Plant to end up done protection device test and cooling-down test.

如果L有显型参数列表,D中的每个参数有着与相应的L中的参数相同的类型和修饰符。If L has an implicitly typed parameter list, D has no ref or out parameters.

如果你简单地赚取150荷兰盾,您能对你的连接参促进用户。If you simply earn 150 guilders , you can about your link Ref promote a user.

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在紧急准备伏击因维追击者的过程里,远征军展现了非凡的勇气。As hasty preparations were made to bushwhack the Pursuer, the Ref showed its mettle.

如果裁判继续像今天这样,踢出精彩的足球很难。It's difficult to play attractive football when the ref lets things go like he did today.

裁判说的两脚滑铲,但那更本不存在,而且他根本没有碰到格里宁。The ref said it was a two-footed tackle but it wasn't and he didn't touch the man at all.