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做草莓酱。Make strawberry jam.

你们有卖草莓吗?Do you have strawberry?

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我要一个草莓圣代。I need a Strawberry Sundae.

我做了草莓酥饼。I made strawberry shortcake.

草莓不能被冷冻。Strawberry cannot be freezed.

请给我草莓味的。Two strawberry yoghurts, please.

请来两份草莓酸乳酪。Two strawberry yoghurts, please.

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有苹果、香蕉和草毒派。Apple, banana and strawberry pie.

我想起了我的草莓。I think of my strawberry souffle.

我想起了我的草莓舒芙蕾。I think of my strawberry souffle.

莎利讨厌草莓松饼。Sally hates strawberry shortcake.

那么尝尝草莓酱吧。Then let's try strawberry ketchup.

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这个草莓园好大啊!This strawberry field is very big!

我想要一杯草莓汁。I want a glass of strawberry juice.

草莓味糖果共有168颗。There are 168 strawberry flavoured sweets.

我们有香草味的,巧克力味的,草莓味的。We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.

吉娜中餐只吃了一罐草莓酸乳酪。Gina only had a strawberry yogurt for lunch.

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我最喜欢草莓味了,来个草莓味的。Strawberry is my favorite! I want strawberry.

草莓蛋糕,甜甜的、令人开心。Strawberry shortcake – it's sweet and cheery.

草莓为聚伞花序,两性花。The strawberry flower, as a cyme, is bisexual.