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这是当时打我-的终结这一切。And that's when it hit me – the finality of it all.

“不,爸爸。我不想要别的。”辛杜坚决地说。"No, Dad. I do not want anything else, " Sindu said with finality.

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未来是现实的延续。现实是梦想的终结。Future is the continuity of reality. Reality is the finality of dream.

他的离去也是一样,突如其来,并且无可挽回。That's what he's leaving had been like, sudden and with an awful finality.

我将死于自己的剑下。我的终结将会是完美的。所有事情都是完美的。I will die of my sword. My finality will may be perfect. All thing is perfect.

毕竟,即使是任天堂的总裁也对是否能够彻底解决盗版问题持怀疑的态度。After all, even Nintendo's president doubts piracy can be solved with any finality.

客途上的不确定性胜过于目前严厉的处境。The uncertainty of the road ahead surely trumped the harsh finality of the present.

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他们把它围过泰斯拉粗壮的脖子,咔嚓一声扣上,出于某种奇怪的用意。They fastened it around Tesla's thick neck, and it clicked shut with a strange finality.

尽管耽搁已经动摇了信任并导致沮丧,这个演出的结尾就快到来了。Though delays have shaken trust and caused frustration, the finality of this is ringing home.

阿特金森博士解释说,这可以成为一个出色的润色或确认声明的方法。Dr Atkinson explains that this can be an excellent way of adding finality or confirming a statement.

对熵原理所导致的结局提出质疑,并不意味着争辩第二热力学定律的真实性。To question the finality of the principle of entropy is not to dispute the second law of thermodynamics.

侦查作为侦查主体的一种自向证明活动,侦查终结应有自己的证明要求与证明标准。As the principal part of detection, detection finality should have its own testifying demand and standard.

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你的一个要点说完之后要给出结束的语气,也就是划上句号,这真的很重要。It’s really important to bring a tone of finality to the point in what you’re saying, where there’s a period!

长期以来,我国的民事审级制度一直坚持的是单一的两审终审制。The system of second instance as the finality has been the single trial-tier of civil procedure for a long time.

意识到一切已成定局,内心充满悲伤,我本能的反应是回忆当初发生的一切——当初我令他失望地点点滴滴。As the sadness and finality set in, my instinct was to play back the tapes in my mind —all the little ways I let him down.

意识到一切已成定局,内心充满悲伤,我本能的反应是回忆当初发生的一切——当初我令他失望的点点滴滴。As the sadness and finality set in, my instinct was to play back the tapes in my mind — all the little ways I let him down.

我接受了最终的结果,下星期一,这个结果会在选举人团会议上得到确认。i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college? and tonight?

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不起诉决定确定力问题的关键在于该决定对起诉机关是否具有约束力。The key issue of the finality of non-prosecution decision is whether it can prevent a second prosecution by the decision maker.

这种方式的说话人说的所有话都像是个问题,因为他们从未在说话结尾时给出话已结束的语气。It’s where you make everything sound like a question because you really never bring a tone of finality to the end of the thought.

因为随着结局的最后一个钟声打破你们所接受的存在所拥有的平静,你们必须要知晓你们的世界不再是原来的世界了。FOR AS THE STROKE OF FINALITY breaches the quietude of your accepted existence you must know that your world will never be the same again.