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求购废镀锡铁皮,数量不限。I need to buy any quantity of tinplate scrap.

我公司专业从事马口铁包装产品。My company specialized in tinplate packaging products.

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本公司长期库存各种规格马口铁,。The company's long-term inventory of various specifications of tinplate ,.

电镀锡板CDC钝化膜的成膜机理一直是人们感兴趣的一个问题。The mechanism of CDC film on tinplate has been one of the most interesting research topics.

根据电解剥离原理,研制出马口铁镀锡量自动测量仪。The instrument for automatically determinig tin coating weight of tinplate hasbeen developed.

减薄镀锡板的镀锡层和合金层的厚度成为目前镀锡板生产的趋势。It is an inevitable tendency to reduce the thickness of tin coating and alloy layer of tinplate.

求购各种型号马口铁错印铁。请能提供该产品的商家与我们联系。I am looking for tinplate misprint assorted size. If you have supply in you stock please let know.

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本公司长期库存各种规格马口铁,在业界有良好的声誉和形象。The company's long-term stock all kinds of tinplate in the industry have a good reputation and image.

本文还系统研究了镀锡板的生产工序对镀锡层形貌及其孔隙率的影响。Effect of formation process of tinplate on the morphology and porosity of tin layer was studied in detail.

现在所用的不锈钢和塑料的材料已经逐步代替镀锡钢板而被普遍使用。Modern materials, including stainless steel and plastics, have replaced tinplate in many common applications.

我公司的马口铁产品通过SGS检测,具备进入欧美市场的条件。My company's Tinplate Products Detected through the SGS, Europe and the United States have entered the market.

用于马口铁、标准制罐材料所用铝等板材的高精度、高速度剪切。For accurately fast cutting tinplate and aluminum in tempers normally associated with standard can making material.

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本发明公开了一种无毒环保马口铁罐盖密封胶及其制备方法。The invention discloses a nontoxic environment-friendly tinplate tank lid sealant and a preparation method thereof.

特别是是镀锡基板的价格显示出了快速滑落的趋势,而对于马口铁则存在不确定的因素助推其价格上扬。In particular, TMBP prices indicate a rapid decline, while uncertain factors are on the increase for tinplate prices.

如果浦项钢铁的镀锡基板被使用的话,以比现行价更低的价格生产马口铁是有可能的。It is considered possible to produce tinplate for sales at lower prices than the going prices if POSCO's TMBP is used.

通过对氧化前后试片极化曲线的测定,发现经高温氧化后镀锡层的稳定电位发生了变化。They were also revealed by tafel curve test that the corrosion potential of the tinplate changes after its oxidation at high temperature.

镀锡板合金层的耐蚀性好坏直接关系到镀锡板用作食品包装材料时的寿命。The corrosion resistance of the alloy coat on tinplate was directly related to the life span of the tinplate as a food packaging material.

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日本的钢铁制造商将根据合同,在四到七月的货运期内,向泰国的马口铁生产商按每吨700美元的离岸价格提供镀锡基板。The Japanese steelmakers are contracted to provide Thai tinplate producers TMBP at USD 700 per tonne FOB for April to June period shipments.

为此,对镀锡板生产工艺的关键技术、机组配置等提出了可供选择的技术方案和措施。The paper analyzed and proposed a series of solutions for tinplate mill such as the layout, stand style, rolling techniques and control methods.

通过适当提高钝化电量,尤其是提高钝化电流密度,也可以降低镀锡板孔隙率。The porosity of tinplate can be reduced by increasing the electricity of passivation, improving the current density of passivation in particular.