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但是石板是无情的。But stone flags are unforgiving.

嘴巴看起来有种不饶人的感觉。Mouth looks a kind of unforgiving feeling.

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“鲸之谷”是一个美丽而冷酷的地方。Wadi Hitan is a beautiful but unforgiving place.

伊达家的战士具有狂暴和无情的天性。Date warriors have a fierce and unforgiving nature.

雷米尔斯此行来到加拿大冷酷的荒野。Ray Mears journeys into Canada's unforgiving wilderness.

将其比作原子,位元的容错都是不可原谅的。Compared to atoms, the failure tolerance of bits is unforgiving.

在一个敌对而无情的世界里,能否用两足行走有很大的区别。Bipedality made a big difference in a hostile and unforgiving world.

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中国的准丈母娘们似乎是不饶人的一群。Chinese mothers-in-law to-be, it seems, can be an unforgiving bunch.

外籍士兵必须小心翼翼地穿过那些丛山峻岭。Foreign fighters must move carefully through those unforgiving mountains.

奇帕亚农民与无情的土地进行斗争,来种植本地的主食——奎奴亚藜。Chipaya farmers battle unforgiving soil to plant quinoa, the staple grain.

他们认为上帝,毫不宽容的审判者,也是一位数学家。They thought that God, while an unforgiving judge, was also a mathematician.

如果你能花六十秒进行短跑,去填满那不可饶恕的一分钟。If you fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds's worth of distance run.

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但是世界经济是无情的,新的竞争对手不断出现。But the global economy is unforgiving and new competitors are emerging all the time.

我用不宽恕的眼光来看待父亲犯下的错误,然后最后又原谅了父亲。I gave unforgiving descriptions of his crimes as I saw them, and then I forgave him.

当他无情地压在脑骨上的时候,自身的重量几乎就可以把脑骨压碎。As it pressed against the unforgiving bone of the skull, it literally crushed itself.

铁峰和岚么四姐妹保护着李夫人在丛山峻岭中行走。Iron peak and LAN yao four sisters protected Mrs Li walk in the unforgiving mountains.

凶猛无情的暴政之下,伊朗短暂的民主之春被嘎然斩断。The brief democratic spring in Iran was cut short by a ferocious and unforgiving tyranny.

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在联邦调查局总部大楼无情冷漠的灯光下,他片场很多大块时间都是这样度过的,一边满头大汗,一边冷嘲热讽。Edgar” that way, sweating and sneering in the unforgiving lighting of F.B.I. headquarters.

室内飞行也是一种更大的挑战,体育馆的墙壁可是不饶人的。Indoor flying is a further challenge, as the walls of sports halls tend to be unforgiving.

此修复版的版本忠于原著,包括那些无情的关卡。This remastered version is faithful to the original, including its unforgiving difficulty.