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癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a persistent ailment.

她肝部有点小毛病。She suffers from a liver ailment.

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癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a kind of persistent ailment.

练出一身汗,小病不用看。Build a sweat, ailment without looking at.

病痛使她时时颦蹙双眉。She always knits her brows because of the ailment.

它无法为理智上的苦痛提供逃避之法。It does not offer an escape for the intellectual ailment.

土地兼并是古代中国的一个顽症。Land annexation was a persistent ailment of the Ancient China.

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骨膜炎是大病小病?治疗期长么?Is periostitis ailment of a serious illness? Is remedial period long?

今天许多神的仆人所缺乏的都是睡眠和调养。What many people want is sleep, and the physical ailment attended to.

迄今为止,最常见的医学病症我看到我的做法是中耳炎。By far the most common medical ailment I see in my practice is OTITIS.

他很快就被检查出有心脏疾病,并于1897年被迫退伍。He was soon diagnosed with a heart ailment and forced to withdraw in 1897.

如果你最近关注过你的慢性病,这个就显得特别正确。This is especially true if you’ve recently learned of your chronic ailment.

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2006年恩克夫妇2岁的女儿因心脏病去世。Enke and his wife lost their 2-year-old daughter to a heart ailment in 2006.

然而到了2002年,一位皮肤病孩子的母亲认为这种疾病卷土重来了。Then, in 2002, the mother of a child with a skin ailment championed its comeback.

现在我终于明白了“小病是福”的真正含义。Now I have come to understand the real meaning of “a small ailment is a blessing”.

我曾经听说任何小病小痛都能被自然界中能找得到的一些东西治愈。I once heard that any ailment can be cured by something that can be found in nature.

是的,小病是福,我想,我该喝凉茶了。Yes, a small ailment is a blessing, and I think I need to drink some herbal soup now.

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贫富不均,这是共和国最古老和致命的顽疾。An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republic.

但是上网搜索难言之症,进行线上约会、网上银行交易的时候又该怎样呢?But what about researching an embarrassing ailment?What about online dating, or banking?

在未被诊断为肝病之前,迈耶斯先生几周以来就一直有疲惫的感觉。Meyers had been feeling quite run-down for weeks before his liver ailment was diagnosed.