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我很想吃一客小牛肉片。I should like a veal cutlet.

我们点吉利明虾好吗?Shall we order prawn cutlet?

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你觉得牛肉片怎样?How did you find the veal cutlet?

那么,我要猪肉片来代替。Then I'll have the pork cutlet instead.

我很想吃一客小牛肉片。I prefer a charred lamb cutlet with chutney.

我要吃水芹菜汤和牛排。I will absorb water celery soup and beef cutlet.

我打算吃水芹菜汤和牛排。I plan to absorb water celery soup and beef cutlet.

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对不起,先生,我们的小牛排卖光了。I'm sorry, sir, but we're all out of the veal cutlet.

易步指示准备鱼肉饼。Easy step by step directions for preparing fish cutlet.

我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。Our specialties are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

他建议我们玩“肉排”,这游戏我从来没听说过。He suggested we should play"cutlet", a game we never heard of.

我们的特色菜是炸板鱼,炒蟹和牛排。Our specialities are fried sole, deviled crab and beef cutlet.

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我们的特色菜有炸顿鱼、炒蟹及牛排。Our specialities 8re fried sole, deviled crab, and beef cutlet.

鱼肉饼容易,一步一步指示,为准备鱼肉饼。Fish cutlet easy step by step directions for preparing fish cutlet.

在功能表中还有烤鲸肉三明治和鲸肉热狗。Other items on the menu include fried whale cutlet sandwiches and whale hot dogs.

晚上他比往常提早回到鲍尔斯池塘家里,请珀奇太太吃小牛肉片和喝苏格兰浓啤酒。He goes home to Ball's Pond earlier in the evening than usual, and treats Mrs Perch to a veal cutlet and Scotch ale.

以鱿鱼、鳕鱼、胡萝卜和西芹为主要原料,研究了汉堡蔬菜鱼肉饼的工艺和配方。Using squid, cod, carrot and celery as main raw materials, the craft and formula for producing hamburger vegetable fish cutlet was studied.

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为了您有更好的体验过程,请不要忘记尝试我们美味的法国奶酪和肉盘,配上的新鲜或烤的面包。Don't forget to check out our delicious French Cheese and Cutlet platters , served with fresh or toasted bread, for a great pairing experience!

洋葱汤,拌青菜色拉,牛肉片以及法国面包,很抱歉法国面包已卖完了,先生,来点软卷或葡萄面包怎样?Onion soup, tossed green salad, veal cutlet and French bread. I'm sorry, but French bread is sold out, sir. How about soft rolls or raisin bread?

不过,夹着炸牛肉排的饼——或者说裹着面包屑的炸牛肉片三明治——才是这顿饭的亮点,肉周围填满了豆子,上面有一层白色奶酪,卷饼上还撒上了一写墨西哥胡椒粉和鳄梨。But the torta de milanesa de res — or breaded beef cutlet sandwich — was the highlight, bathed in beans, topped with white cheese, jalapeños and avocado on a roll dusted with flour.