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“航行者”号正驶向一个大洋风暴。Voyager was heading for an ocean storm.

“航行者”号慢慢的沿跑道加速。Voyager began to move down the runway, slowly.

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第三天,“航行者”又遇到了麻烦。On the third day, Voyager was in trouble again.

之后,他将“航行者”号驶向太平洋。Then he aimed Voyager out over the Pacific Ocean.

对于一个航行者来说,这绝对是保持健康的一种手段。For a voyager it is definitely a tool to wellness.

事实上,“航行者”号上几乎所有的部分都是燃料箱。In fact, almost all of the Voyager was a fuel tank.

“旅游鞋行者”曾经是美国宇航局最成功的航天任务之一。Voyager has been one of Nasa's most successful space missions.

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随着“航行者”号接近跑到尽头,它的处境也越来越危险。Voyager was getting dangerously close to the end of the runway.

这意味着“航行者”号可以携带着它本身重量许多倍的燃料升空。This meant Voyager could lift and carry many times its weight in fuel.

有些人认为他们的“航行者”计划既不可能也很愚蠢。Some people thought their Voyager project was both impossible and foolish.

所以他的解决方案是几乎完全用新型材料来打造“航行者”号。So his solution was to build Voyager almost completely out of new materials.

由于距离太阳太近,这对太空船的光学仪器是十分不利的,旅行者号已经对金星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星拍摄了类似的照片。Voyager took similar pictures of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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当“航行者”号完工的时候,它身上的零件共价值二百万美元。When Voyager was finished, it had two million dollars' worth of parts in it.

由于没有引擎在工作,“航行者”迅速开始失去速度和高度。With neither engine working, Voyager quickly began to lose speed and height.

NASA的旅行者1号已到达太阳系外缘。NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached the outside edge of the solar system.

跟在“航行者”号后面的飞机可以看到它的机翼的后部严重受损。Planes following Voyager could see that the ends of the wings were badly damaged.

拍摄这些照片的“旅行者1号”如今在距地球17,216,49,1000公里的地方。Voyager 1, which took these pictures, is now 17, 216,49, 1000 kilometres from Earth.

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许多航行者都在这里头迷失了,平底船和海盗们,大舰船都一样。Many a voyager has been lost here, poleboats and pirates and great river galleys too.

科学家们相信旅行者号并没有跨过日鞘进入星际空间。Scientists believe Voyager 1 has not crossed the heliosheath into interstellar space.

这二十面体是由一个航天器造成的图像马赛克旅行者采取的。This icosahedron was created from a mosaic of images taken by the Voyager spacecrafts.