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他是个态度傲慢的人。He is a man of mien.

他是个越战老兵,举止总有些惶然。He was a Vietnam veteran with a haunted mien.

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直到访问结束她一直保持严肃的态度。She maintained her serious mien until the interview was over.

画中的年轻女孩带着一副沉思而又严肃的神态。The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.

彩色等离子体显示器正在东山再起,重显昔日风采。Color PDP is just bob up like a cork, recurring in former days mien.

简言之,要以严肃的态度去对待这种轻松的艺术,追求进步,提升技艺。Douce mien to pursue progression and to advance the artistic standards.

他仍然保持着矫健的身姿,手里装矿泉水的塑料袋一甩一甩。He kept his strong and vigorous mien . The water bottle in his bag wobbled.

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他还没有出声,他的态度和容貌已经使每颗心都凛然生畏。His mien and his countenance awed every heart, even before a sound left his lips.

他身上忽然飘飞出一股股的黑色煞气,围绕着他的身体不断的旋转。Suddenly float the black ferocious mien of flying an on his body, nigh his body continuously revolve.

比赛是交流的平台,是展现风采的舞台,我们奏出的是拼搏的强音。Match is a platform of communication and a stage of expressing mien . we played the ictus of fighting.

巴黎罗浮宫的雕塑珍品维纳斯,把美神的奕奕神采,展现于千千万万的明眸之中。The statue treasure Venus in the Louver shows the glowing mien of the Godess of Beauty to thousands of eyes.

很乐意和有大家风范的长辈进行和谐有效的交流。Im glad to talk with the eldership who has the sagaciousness and wonderful mien harmoniously and effectively.

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“的确,他们彼此很了解,”海丝特神色平静地回答说,尽管内心十分惊愕。"They know each other well, indeed," replied Hester, with a mien of calmness, though in the utmost consternation.

这种决断的风采也是Jobs最大的天分-之所以他在计算机领域创造了一种风格,是因为他有决断的能力和勇气。This editorial mien was Mr. Jobs’s greatest gift — he created a sense of style in computing because he could edit.

同样的头发,同样的侧面轮廓,至少露出在帽檐下的那部分是同样的,同样的走路姿态,只是比较忧郁些。The hair was the same, also the profile, so far as the cap permitted a view of it, the mien identical, only more depressed.

你会感到在另外一种受教育的情况下或另一种环境中,姑娘这种活泼自在的动作也许还能给人以温顺可爱的印象。One felt that under other conditions of education and destiny, the gay and over-free mien of this young girl might have turned out sweet and charming.

我蹙眉望着毒姑,几年不见,她的煞气褪去了些,比以前更冷静,理性。I the Cu eyebrow wish poison Gu and disappear as several annuals, her ferocious mien fades go to some, lulled down more than the elapse, reasonableness.

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这辣椒酱是与虾面不能分割的调味料,只要加添少许便能提升汤面的精华!Chili Paste is the ubiquitous condiment that goes with Prawn Mien and just about everything else. A little dollop will transform this soup noodle dish into a swan!

有资料指汕瑶人实际上是操广东的一种方言称高地瑶话,不过虽然部份汕瑶人可能说高地瑶话,但大部份都是说粤语的。Some sources have reported that the San Diu actually speak another dialect from Guandong called Iu Mien. But, though some San Diu may speak Iu Mien, most probably speak Yue.

现在的我年轻、健康、充满活力,有丰厚的文化底蕴,愿意和有大家风范的长辈一起做一些更有意义的事。And I have the ample culture. I'm glad to do much more wonderful things with the elderships who has the sagaciousness and wonderful mien harmoniously and effectively together.