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机动化扩张。Motorization expansion.

回想一下焦耳膨胀。Remember the Joule expansion.

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这个资料片到底值不值?So is the expansion worth it?

这里的膨胀过程是不可逆的。It's an irreversible expansion.

膨胀水箱的清洗。A. expansion water tank cleaning.

这是一款新游戏还是资料片?Is it a new game or an expansion?

但是,赌城的经济扩张一下子失控了。But expansion spun out of control.

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这是个等温膨胀过程。So this is an isothermal expansion.

需要。Another one is the virial expansion.

拉力、展边效果特别大。High-effect for strain and expansion.

这个计划被移动到资料片了吗?Have those plans moved to the expansion?

整个扩建计划被搁置起来了。The whole expansion plan is pigeonholed.

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邮件进入了疯狂的扩张期。Mail into a frenzied period of expansion.

sdio扩展卡不再支持。SDIO expansion cards no longer supported.

他们的扩张欲望有增无减。Their desire for expansion has increased.

信用过去加强了我们经济的扩张。Credit undergirded our economic expansion.

其中蛋白石反应产物的膨胀量达85。The expansion of opal slice amounts to 85.

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膨胀过程中的功。The work input during the expansion steps.

他甚至在寻找继续在英伦三岛的发展空间。He even sees room for expansion in Britain.

将二项式扩展到规定幂的定理。This is nothing but the binomial expansion.