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阳光晒得挂毯褪了色。Sunlight faded the tapestry.

阳光把挂毯晒得褪了色。Sunshine faded the tapestry.

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贝叶挂毯上显示是什么?What does the Bayeux Tapestry show?

嵌金银丝艺术挂毯,绚丽雅典。The art filigree tapestry is elegant and magnificent.

我方接受定做业务。真丝地毯,真丝挂毯。高档礼品,升值无限。We can make custom-made silk carpet and silk tapestry.

这件艺术挂毯和这个景泰蓝花瓶怎么样?。How about this artistic tapestry and this cloisonne vase?

横纹金蛛织出的网纹是Z字型的。The designs of the wasp spiders woven tapestry is zigzag.

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灌木树篱和草地中开满了五彩缤纷的野花。Hedgerows and meadows are thick with a tapestry of wild flowers.

它们就像提尔挂毯上烧出来的黑洞。They are like black holes burnt by torches in a tapestry of Tyre.

它们是编织人类历史挂毯的丝线。These are the threads that weave the tapestry of humanity’s story.

绣工的一个著名的例子是所谓的贝叶挂毯。One famous example of embroidery work is called the Bayeux Tapestry.

于是,你把春蚕的精神汲取,让祖国披上美丽的织锦。So, you learn spirit, so that put a beautiful tapestry of the motherland.

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如果作为一个先锋派绘画,年轻的白色岩石在强挤入一个挂毯片麻岩。As if an avantgarde painting, younger white rock intrudes in a tapestry of gneiss.

贝叶挂毯表现了前往教堂为爱德华国王送葬的蜿蜒队列。The Bayeux tapestry shows the funeral procession of King Edward winding to the abbey.

事实上,美国现在常常被描述为拼画或织锦。In fact, it has become common to describe the United States as a mosaic or a tapestry.

你也绝不能错过贝叶挂毯博物馆,去看看贝叶挂毯。You should also visit the Musee de la Tapisserie de Bayeux to see the Bayeux Tapestry.

这给人类在所有血统和所有祖先织锦之中构建了一个绝灭周期。This set up humanity for an extinction cycle across all lineages and tapestry of ancestries.

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样子接近挂毯和你将发现一只皇帝虾和蟹在一个海黄瓜上。Look closely at this tapestry and you'll find an emperor shrimp and a crab on a sea cucumber.

史密斯先生,我是M&H公司的刘放。你听说过本公司的挂毯吗?Mr. Smith, My name is Liufang from M&H Company, a company in China. Have you heard about our "tapestry"?

该图像显示了通过追朔大部分宇宙历史而得的丰富多彩的7500个星系的锦绣。The image shows a rich tapestry of 7, 500 galaxies stretching back through most of the universe's history.