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一种诱奸还是一个战争宣告的仪式?A ritual of seduction or a war declaration?

我太累了,光是睡觉这个词都变地那么诱人。I am so tired.Even the word sleep is a lure, a seduction.

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这芬芳的柔粉色香膏简直会诱惑人犯罪!This flirtatiously scented body balm is pure body seduction.

“就像一场高中时的约会,”她喋喋不休,故意诱惑。“It's just like a high school date,” she cooed, with mock seduction.

“就像一场高中时的约会,”她喋喋不休,故意诱惑。"It's just like a high school date, " she cooed, with mock seduction.

喹乙醇具有一定的蓄积毒性、遗传毒性和诱变性等毒理作用。Olaquindox has the toxic function of cumulation, heredity and seduction.

竞争逻辑,典礼和诱惑的逻辑,比性的更强。Agonistic logics, logics of ritual and seduction. , are stronger than sex.

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当然,旋律具有引人入胜的感觉,扣人心弦,令人欲罢不能。And of course, a sense of melodic seduction that grabs on and can't be shaken.

无意识的伤害正是藉由诱惑行为而犯下的。It is through the act of seduction that unconscious harmfulness is perpetrated.

他秘密的从它的规则里偏转诱惑,并且是故意地。For he too deflects seduction from its rule of secrecy, and does so intentionally.

拜物主义是死亡的诱惑,包括规则的死亡在反常行为。Fetishism is the seduction of death, including the death of the rule in perversion.

唱推拉镜头不仅吸引了观看者也反映了Henry对Karen的引诱。This long tracking shot not only seduces the viewer but reflects Henry's seduction of Karen, too.

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对于大多数的日记,约翰内斯Climacus地块的诱惑非常缓慢和故意。For the majority of the diary, Johannes Climacus plots the seduction very slowly and deliberately.

悬疑、欢喜和诱惑让你沉浸其中,直到苦乐参半吸引人的的结局。The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in 'till the bittersweet enthralling end.

现在来说说把妹达人是如何控制他的性张力的。Now how about the Seduction Science guy who has conscious control over the sexual state he projects?

这是和诱惑有关的,当你被诱惑的时候,那么你也就被吸引沉溺在幻相当中。This has to do with seduction and as you are seduced then you are also made addicted to the fantasy.

学会如何和女人产生出彼此放电的眼神接触,那么把妹就成功在望了!Learn how to make smoldering eye contact with a woman and the pathway to Seduction Success is Secure!

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一个真正的移动约会冒险实地测试玩家的诱惑,技能,以及一个大胆的故事线。A real dating adventure on mobile testing the player's seduction skills in the field, along a bold story-line.

如果希望是激励和拥有的愿望,诱惑将会在期之前有着相同意愿,被幻想所激励着。If desire is a will to power and possession, seduction places before it an equal will to power by the simulacrum.

阿萨内思念着朵索为她画画,顾曼却在这个时候突然闯进了展开热情的勾引。Athar thinking in one line drawing, for her Gu Man but in this time suddenly broke into the enthusiasm of seduction.