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当前城中村改造的难点在于如何均衡改造参与主体各方利益。It's a nodus how to equipoise all players' benefit in course of VIC's regeneration.

只有这样,才能促使基础教育均衡发展走上健康轨道。Only in this way, could equipoise basic education development get onto the healthy track.

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税收质量的核心是税收效率与税收公平的均衡。The core of revenue quality is the equipoise between revenue efficiency and revenue fairness.

库存管理是物流系统的一个中心环节,起着缓冲、调节和平衡的作用。Store control is a core course in logistics system, it can adjust and equipoise the manufacture.

一些阳性的次要终点的结果产生了对进一步研究的临床均势。The presence of some positive secondary outcomes creates clinical equipoise for further research.

要实现公司的持续增长战略,必须均衡三个发展层面的管理,获得增长的动力。The company should equipoise the three development levels and get power to achieve the strategy of persist rise.

通过调节零售商采购价格的激励机制,调节供应链中供求双方的收益。In the paper, the price mechanism of regulating the retailer's purchase price was taken to equipoise the both parties' profit in the supply chain.

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在恒压供水系统中,泵组的控制属于较大范围的自适应系统,泵组的平衡运行是自动调整系统运行参数的关键。Control of pumps unit belongs to large-range self-adaptive system and it is the key for equipoise operation to operate parameter in auto-regular system.

人中之瑞啊,有着智慧的判断力,在幸福和痛苦的时候,都保持中和之性而不受其困扰的人,当然就有资格获得解脱。O noblest of men, that person of wise judgement equipoise in happiness and distress, whom cannot be disturbed by these is certainly eligible for liberation.

阐述了乘务员排班系统基本情况,并建立了排班系统的排班通用算法模型和任务均衡算法模型,通过遗传算法对排班模型进行优化实现。And build the currency algorithms model and task equipoise algorithms model of rostering system. The question to crew rostering system model is solved by Genetic Algorithms.

最大连通度生成簇算法建立的簇之间存在重叠度较高的现象,没有考虑网络能量均衡,对网络寿命会产生不良影响。The overlaps between clusters are quite large resulted from the algorithm of maximal connectivity which ignores the equipoise of network energy and blights network lifetime.

直方图均衡是图像增强的经典方法,但通常都是简单地对整幅图像做一次均衡,这样势必对细节部分增强得不够。Histogram equalization is classical approach of image enhancement. But we usually equipoise the whole image one time, that will bring on insufficiency on the minutia part's enhancement.

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结果表明,物流发展水平、固定资产投资与经济增长之间存在唯一的协整关系,即三者之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系。The result show there are one and only co-integration relation among logistics development level, investment of fixed assets and economic growth, denote there are stable long term equipoise among it.