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坐在我旁边。Sit down beside me.

在汝身旁,我的夫人。Beside thee, my Lady.

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我睡在他旁边的铺位。I berthed beside him.

过来坐在我们旁边吧。Come and sit beside us.

我在怪物的旁边。I’m beside the monster.

安静地坐在房边。She sits beside a house.

没有人能和他相比。No one can set beside him.

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公共汽车停靠点就在它旁边。The bus stop is beside it.

独骑,一骑,匹马,单骑。A horse is beside the bear.

她躺在另一个少年身边。And she beside another lad.

在我傍边,坐着两个学生。Beside me sat two students.

旁伴着鸽泉水叮咚。Beside the springs of Dove.

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上我这儿来,坐到沙发上。Sit beside me on the couch.

他们在柜子旁边。They are beside the locker.

我必须是你近旁的一株木棉。I must be a kapok beside you.

我必须是妳近旁的一株木棉。I must be a kapok beside you.

它在自热科学室的旁边。It's beside the science room.

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莎拉从她身旁挤进去。Sarah squeezed in beside her.

愿我的房子是山边的茅房。Mine be a cot beside the hill!

我的小屋将建在小山边。Mine be a cot beside the hill.