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先把我自己翻译的贴下,我撞到了不该撞的人,并且受了刺伤。I ran into someone I shouldn't have and I got a stinger.

蜂后只用她的螫针螫另外一只蜂后。A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee.

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它们的尾针释放出一种疼痛但不致命的毒液。Their tail-mounted stinger delivers a painful, but non-lethal, venom.

不像真正的蝎子,这些生物缺少长长的后腹部尾刺。Unlike real scorpions, these creatures lack a long post-abdomen stinger.

在黄马褂刺治疗第一步是删除毒刺。The first step in treating yellow jacket stings is to remove the stinger.

阿自锁轮子塞满不断的毒刺拖车稳定,而你的自行车。A wheel trailer filled with self-securing stability Stinger continues, and your bike.

一只一米长的刺蝠猛撞到他的驾驶舱罩上,其尾的部螫针刺入玻璃。A one-meter stingbat smacks into his canopy, its tail- stinger screeching on the glass.

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刺针球路是击球的一种方式,使用这种打法可使球贴近地面飞行从而避免风力影响。A stinger is a type of shot that stays low to the ground so that it can avoid the wind.

自从前苏联从阿富汗撤离之后,中情局的主要任务之一就是把当初卖给抵抗战士的毒刺导弹“回购”。After the Russian withdrawal the main business of the CIA was a Stinger buyback programme.

使用阿兹莱尔在敌人被赋予双弱点时使用“黑鹰冲刺”击败对手。Landed a Black Hawk Stinger with Azrael while both of the opponents' weak points were active.

具有讽刺意味的是在我们眼中美丽的水母也会成为世界上致命的生物之一,在澳大利亚北部海域一年四季均可见到这种剧毒生物的身影。This extremely poisonous marine stinger frequents Australia’s northern oceans all year round.

当注水泥插入管被去除后,阀装置将水泥限位器以下的井筒隔离。When the stinger is removed, the valve assembly isolates the wellbore below the cement retainer.

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你们还称其为结尾的"毒刺"吗,类似于结尾部分的切分音Do you still call it that, "Stinger" At the end, sort of a syncopated bounce at the end of the thing?

在蒂姆·梅的眼中,一盘数字带作为武器的威力和破坏力,如同肩扛式毒刺导弓单。InTimMay 's eyes a digital tape is a weaponaspotent and subversive as a shoulder -mounted Stinger missile.

在蒂姆·梅的眼中,一盘数字带作为武器的威力和破坏力,如同肩扛式毒刺导弹。In Tim May's eyes a digital tape is a weapon as potent and subversive as a shoulder-mounted Stinger missile.

蜂王的刺只用来螫另一只蜂王,而从不螫工蜂、雄蜂或人。A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee. She never uses it on workers, drones , or people.

一开始,神学士民兵用突击步枪、刺针飞弹、火箭推进式榴弹对著佛像扫射,但没什麽成效。Initially, Taliban fighters had fired at the Buddha with assault rifles , stinger missiles and RPGs, to little effect.

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此厚煤层钻2000为不锈钢结构,且刺和钻支架的一级内支架所属的活塞杆也是不锈钢的。The high seam drill2000is stainless steel construction and the cylinder rods of the1st inner legs of the stinger and drill leg are stainless steel.

好莱钨周围的小山已经进行了巡逻,防止恐怖主义者使用刺激发射物或是其他的装置对奥斯卡颁奖现场进行袭击。The nearby Hollywood Hills are being scoured for terrorists armed with Stinger missiles or other devices capable of reaching the Academy Awards site.

日本大黄蜂的螫针大约有四分之一英寸长,它能注射一种含有强酶的毒液,这种毒液能溶解人体组织。The stinger of the Japanese giant hornet is about a quarter-inch long and can inject venom containing a strong enzyme, which can dissolve human tissue.