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中南半岛访古,东京废墟遥祭华夏列祖。Indochina Peninsula in Cuba, Tokyo ruins Yaoji Chinese fathers.

中国在湄公河修建大坝已然引起中南半岛下游地区的不满。Its damming of the Mekong has sparked anger downstream in Indochina.

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这是两种伟大文明的碰撞,中国和印度,称之为“中印”。This is where two great civilizations, Indian and Chinese, met--hence the name "Indochina.

这是两种伟大文明的碰撞,中国和印度,称之为“中印”。This is where two great civilizations, Indian and Chinese, met--hence the name "Indochina."Many

古隆起核部因曾遭受早印支运动强烈的剥蚀,已无嘉四段良好的石膏岩作盖层。Denuded by the Indochina movement, the core of the palaeohigh has no cap rocks like the J4 gyprock.

在人类悲剧的背后是法越战争的悲剧,它是越南战争的前兆。Behind the human tragedy is the tragedy of the French Indochina war, which served as a precursor to the Vietnam War.

红河断裂带是印藏碰撞过程中,印支地块被顺时针旋转挤出的走滑变形带。The Red River Fault Zone is a strike-slip zone along which Indochina Block was extruded during India-Tibet collision.

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一九五四年奠边府之役,结束了中南半岛的法国势力。中共在战役中举足轻重。The Chinese communists played a vital part in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, 1954, which marked the end of French power in Indochina.

今年,最佳西方在中东市场建立了首家酒店,而且正在东南亚和中南半岛迅速发展。This year, Best Western established its first foothold in the Middle East market and is growing rapidly in Southeast Asia and Indochina.

第二部分,论文总结出法国在印支三国的各项殖民统治政策,分而述之。In the second part, the paper summarizes colonialist policies implemented by French in Indochina three nations, then narrates them respectively.

他们的部署沿着印中边境进行,并加强其海军在印度洋地区的存在,实在是威胁啊。Its aggressive movements along the indochina border and increasing presence of its navy in the Indian Ocean region truly threatening our country.

由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。The continuous sensible heat distribution from south to north within the longitude of Indochina Peninsula makes the monsoon firstly onset in SCS region.

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明代中期以后,中国人开始大规模地向海外经商和移民,其活动范围主要是日本、菲律宾群岛、印尼群岛和中南半岛的一些国家。After Mid-Ming dynasty, the Chinese people traded and immigrated overseas on a large scale, especially to Japan, Philippines, Indonesia and IndoChina Peninsula.

印支地块和华南地块是在中生代早期碰撞缝合在一起的,构成了古南海北部陆缘。The Indochina block and South China block have collided and sutured together in early Mesozoic, and formed the northern mar- gin of proto-South China Sea Basin.

法方审时度势,以放弃自己在中国的利益来换取中方对法战后重返印支的支持。Considering the situation, the Frenchmen decided to abandon the benefits in China in order to exchange the support on France returning the postwar Indochina from China.

柬埔寨在19世纪成为法属的一部分,于1953年宣布独立,它的首都和最大的城市是金边。Cambodia became part of French Indochina in the 19th century and proclaimed its independence in 1953. Phnom Penh is the capital and the largest city. Population, 5,756,141.

第三阶段,中、晚中新世随着印度地块逐渐楔入欧亚板块内部,印支半岛的挤出运动进一步减弱。The third phase, during the middle and the later Miocene, with the Indochina block intruding into Eurasia plate gradually, Indochina peninsula's extrusion slowed down further.

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它是由于一个迟钝的超级大国不愿给自己的外交一个取胜的机会而造成的。An indochina dominated from hanoi and allied with the soviet union, brought into being by an obtuse superpower that did not design to give its own diplomacy a chance to succeed.

位于湄公河流域中心、地处湄公河流域所有国家公路铁路的交汇点,由此成为中国在该地区势力范围天然中心的城市便是位于中国云南省的昆明市。The natural capital of a sphere of influence centering on the Mekong River and linking all the countries of Indochina by road and river would be Kunming, in China's Yunnan Province.

亦称为“上海”级,是一种低成本的巡逻艇,在60年代中期同台湾地区海军多次海战期间出名而且还在北越海军服役。The Type 62 Coastal Defense Boat, also known, as the Shanghai class, is a low-cost patrol boat made famous during the Indochina war of 1960s in service with the North Vietnamese Navy.