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你应该制止他到处打探的作法。You'd better stop him nosing about.

出了什麽事?我看到有记者在打听消息。What happened? I saw some reporters nosing around.

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本小心翼翼地把车开进车库时从他们身边经过。Ben drove past them, nosing his car into the garage.

难怪闻酒之后你们都急不可待地想一品美酒!No doubt after all this nosing you're dying for a taste!

我从不喜欢探听别人私生活的细节。I'm never interested in nosing out the details of someone else's private life.

其原因并不仅在于经济学家们正在探究社会行为中一些新领域。It is not just that economists are nosing into new fields of social behaviour.

我想逮的是耗子,可它不知怎么跑到附近,踩进了我下的夹子。I was trying to catch a rat, but somehow he came nosing around and got in my trap.

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他恨她母亲每次去看他们时,总喜欢在家里东找西寻的。He hates the way her mother goes nosing around the house each time she visits them.

吉拉德正在给另一位美国总统拍马屁!And where are all you Labor supporters now that Gillard is brown nosing another US President?

尽管比尔很懒惰,但他还是通过拍老板马屁而得以提薪。Although he is very lazy, bill is still able to get a raise in his salary by brown nosing the boss.

美国汽车公司用的“分区域”诊断法是比较好的渗漏检测法。The"districtional"diag- nosing method adopted by American Motor Corporation is a comparatively better one.

对真相的热情将大卫和芭芭拉撮合到一起,现在仍是他们工作的主要动力。A passion for nosing around is what brought the Mikkelsons together, and it's still their prime motivation.

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像在任何其他的工作商场,商场的突缘区创业就业同样很难穿孔。Like in any other job mall the emporium of nosing jobs in the zone of Venture is equally hard to perforate.

而其与周久耕的关系,经过多方打听,记者从一熟悉周久耕的人士处获悉,周久耕和周久忠确系兄弟。After nosing about, I eventually heard from someone who is familiar with Zhou that they are indeed brothers.

算法具有理想的透明性,对被动攻击具有一定的鲁棒性,对滤波、加噪等主动攻击具有很好的鲁棒性。The algorithm is imperceptible and is robust to passive attacks and active attacks such as filtering, nosing.

颜色褪尽的耕地,一群鼻子拱出皱纹的猪就像大大的,带着斑点的石头。Near the plowed fields curved and faded, and the few hogs nosing in the furrows looked like large spotted stones.

此外,作为一种特殊的车道变换行为,还建立了反映车辆在拥挤状态下的挤车变道行为的挤车变道模型。Finally, as a special lane changing mode, the lane nosing behavior under crowed traffic condition is also modeled.

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第一条旗鱼是来“打酱油”的,它围着诱饵闻了几秒钟就扬长而去,我又放松下来。That first sailfish was just a window shopper. After nosing around the lures for a few seconds, the fish took off, and I relaxed again.

在今年九月于哥伦比亚西部地区进行的追寻“失落的”两栖物种的考察中,科学家偶然发现了三类全新的物种,其中就包括鸟嘴蟾蜍。Nosing around for "lost" amphibian species in western Colombia in September, scientists stumbled across three entirely new species—including this beaked toad.

大王庄鼻状构造不同时期活动性的差异制约着该区的构造格局,从而影响了油藏的形成和类型。Activity difference of Dawangzhuang nosing structure at different stages restricts the tectonic framework in this area, so affects formation and type of oil pool.