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想起了可恶的德国幽灵——吸血鬼。Of the foul German spectre -- the Vampyre.

瘫痪故障的幽灵也将阻止他的实现。So did the spectre of crippling breakdowns.

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但是还有政治风险在作怪。But there is also the spectre of political risk.

前方漂浮的泡沫,后方渐进的可怕结果。The bubble floats before, the spectre stolk behind.

这就是作祟与民主党黑人总统的幽灵。This, then, is the spectre that haunts the Democrats.

第一种比较好解释的现象是“布洛肯幻影”。The first, the ' Brocken Spectre ' is easy to explain.

反美的左翼民族主义力量中的一支犹如魅影般陡然而升。A spectre has arisen, one of anti-American leftist nationalism.

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越来越多的谷歌幽灵不断地困扰着图书市场。The growing spectre of Google continues to haunt the book business.

我们感到这个街垒的首领是一个几何学家或一个鬼怪。One felt that the chief of this barricade was a geometrician or a spectre.

所以我看到自己在做这件事的时候,金钱的幽灵就会大大减弱。And when I see that I am doing that, the spectre of money diminishes considerably.

但是,多哈回合贸易谈判的幽灵阴魂不散,困扰着一些人的思维。But the spectre of the moribund Doha round of trade talks haunts the minds of some.

奥巴马在亚洲八天的巡访后,心中有个幽魂在飘荡无误。THE spectre looming over Barack Obama's eight-day swing through Asia was unmistakable.

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用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。The spectre of neo-fascism, as he put it, was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities.

她意识到了自己是幽鬼墨丘利——其他所有的鬼影都只是她自我的阴影。She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre–and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre.

直到我进了大学,这项法律才改变,但是早期的世俗偏见依然像梦靥一样笼罩着我的生活。The law changed while I was at university, but the spectre of earlier intolerance cast a long shadow over my life.

日本幽灵恐怖电影在唤起恐怖感方面高度成功,其中的唤起手法值得研究。Japan spectre of terror in the film aroused terror in the highly successful, the approach is worth studying arouse.

也许,在他的人生旅途上,常有这么一个幽灵从他的思想里溜出来纠缠他吧。It may be, that his pathway through life was haunted thus, by a spectre that had stolen out from among his thoughts.

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从燃煤电厂产生的酸雨正在减少农业收成率,农村动荡局面正在不断扩大。Acid rain from coal-fired power plants is reducing agricultural yields, raising the spectre of increased rural unrest.

一名高级别政治家措辞强硬的威胁要对穆萨维采取法律行动。In a significant toughening of rhetoric, a senior Iranian politician raised the spectre of legal action against Mousavi.

在登山者中流传着一种迷信,那就是谁看到过“佛光”,将来就会死在登山的途中。Among mountain climbers there is a superstition that a person who sees a Brocken Spectre will die in the mountains one day.