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汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走。Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.

汉瑟和葛丽特睡了一整天。Hansel and Gretel sleep all day.

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后母却不喜欢汉瑟与葛丽特。She doesn't like Hansel and Gretel.

她所煮的美味料理都是给汉瑟吃的。The good food she cooks is for Hansel.

这对老鼠的名字是汉赛尔和格林特。mice are named Hansel and Gretel, obviously.

他为汉瑟和葛丽特生了一堆小火。He builds a small fire for Hansel and Gretel.

月色皎洁,汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走。The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.

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汉瑟和葛丽特心情好多了,因为老婆婆似乎很和善。Hansel and Gretel feel better. The old woman seems nice.

韩赛尔和格雷尔兄妹俩听了很伤心。Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister listened very sad.

他的儿子汉索和他的女儿格蕾特。His son's name is Hansel and his daughter's name is Gretel.

汉瑟和葛丽特又听到他们爸妈的谈话。Once again, Hansel and Gretel are listening to their parents.

“别担心,”汉瑟说。“我们明天就会找到路了。”"Don't worry, " says Hansel. "We will find the way tomorrow. "

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汉瑟和葛丽特睡了一整天,当他们醒来的时候已经是晚上了。Hansel and Gretel sleep all day. It is night when they wake up.

晚上,韩赛尔想去捡石子,但门被锁上了。At night, Hansel want to pick up the stones, but the door is locked.

太阳升起时,汉瑟和葛丽特想要找到回家的路。When the sun comes up, Hansel and Gretel try to find their way home.

“快一点胖起来!”她对着汉瑟大吼。“我饿了!”"Hurry up and get fat! " she yells at Hansel. "I'm getting hungry! "

韩赛尔与葛雷特与父亲和继母住在森林附近。Hansel and Dretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother.

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格雷特听到这个,韩塞尔制定了一个计划来救自己和他的妹妹。Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister.

这只鸟为汉瑟和葛丽特指引回家的方向,因此他们不用绕远路。The bird shows Hansel and Gretel the way home. They do not need to walk far.

女巫一大早就醒了,汉瑟和葛丽特还在睡。The witch wakes up early in the morning. Hansel and Gretel are still sleeping.