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接着是夜晚的凯旋门。The Triumphal arch, at night.

十二条大街从凯旋门向外伸展出去。Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch.

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他们建了凯旋门来纪念胜利。They built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory.

神的儿女啊,你当回想以色列人渡红海时的那段凯旋光景!Imagine, O child of God, if you can, that triumphal march!

我该怎么办?伪装的坚强是否真的能换来胜利光芒!How should I do? Whether can the adamancy of camouflage change triumphal ray really!

至少有10,000名塞拉亚支持者来到机场,准备迎接前总统的胜利回归。At least 10,000 people had answered his call to greet his hoped-for triumphal return.

他们载歌载舞,夹杂著胜利的欢呼把木马拉进城�,这一天以欢庆盛宴结束。This was done with songs and triumphal acclamations and the day closed with festivity.

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最初的古罗马广场是一个巨大庭院,周围被法院、凯旋拱门和大殿所包围着。The original Forum was a huge courtyard surrounded by law courts, triumphal arches and temple.

此为职业经理人加盟,分享胜利果实的最佳时机。This is professional handler to join in, share the optimal opportunity of triumphal fructification.

凯旋式混乱-一个经典胜利惯例与法国接触与几迂迴微妙一起。TRIUMPHAL MESS – A classic Triumph routine with a French touch along with several devious subtleties.

他坚决避免想平常那样宣称戴尼提为向着启蒙和教化胜利进军做出了贡献。He was determined to avoid the usual claim that Dianetics offered a triumphal march toward enlightenment.

在另一面,是胜利队伍的另一部分,分发从耶路撒冷圣殿掠夺的战利品。On the other, another part of the triumphal procession carries the booty off from the Temple of Jerusalem.

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由北向南乘火车的好处之一是太阳好像总是伴随着路轨,它的行走轨迹像一道凯旋的拱门。One of the best things about riding a north-south route is that the sun bounds over the tracks in a triumphal arch.

罗马的凯旋门正面有大理石的石柱,在拱门和两侧都有浮雕。The Roman triumphal arch had a facade of marble columns, and the archway and sides were adorned with relief sculpture.

他战胜三角洲地区众多小国的丰功伟绩,被记录在凯旋石柱之上。这根石柱目前保存在埃及博物馆中。His unprecedented victory over Libyan kinglets of the Delta was recorded on a triumphal stela, now in the Egyptian Museum.

到目前为止,斯科特.尼克尔森还没有亲自体验到父亲和祖父的工作生涯中的胜利故事。So far, Scott Nicholson is a stranger to the triumphal stories that his father and grandfather tell of their working lives.

当胜利在前方招手时,连城再次选择了返回南京与最危险的敌人继续斗争。When triumphal forwardly beck, chose even the city to return Nanjing and the most dangerous enemy to continue to struggle again.

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连政府也通过缩减已在海外获得如此多非议而在国内如此成功的火炬传递仪式认可了这点。Even the government recognized this by scaling back the torch relay, which had been so maligned overseas and so triumphal at home.

丛林显露出褐色,黄色,橘色,深红色的色调,栗树和枫树火焰般熠熠生辉的鲜红色彩形成欢庆的队伍。The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.

而围栏看起来很典型,一边是矮墙,另一边紧贴着教堂,它的入口是巨大的拱门。And the enclosure seemed typical—one side bounded by a low wall, the other nestled close to a church, its entrance a triumphal arch.