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不会倾听。Not listening.

你倾听着。And you listening.

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没有人倾听。Nobodys listening.

说下去,我在听着。Go on, I'm listening.

对不起,我适才没听。Sorry, I wasn't listening.

谢谢你们的聆听。Thanks for your listening.

什么是两耳分听?。What is dichotic listening?

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但是他们根本不听。But they were not listening.

你有没有在听啊?Have you not been listening?

布鲁托正在听音乐。Pluto is listening to music.

全身心地听她倾诉。Devoted to her and listening.

他正在听有线电广播。He is listening to the radio.

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去歌唱吧,犹如无人在一边谛听。Sing like nobody’s listening.

吉尔喜欢听音乐。Jill loves listening to music.

谛听我的笛音婉转。Listening to my sweet pipings.

听录音磁带怎么样?。What about listening to tapes?

我很喜欢听他的奇谈怪论。I enjoy listening to his yarns.

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我特别喜欢听爵士乐。I love listening to Jazz music.

可能我以前没在听。Maybe I wasnt listening before.

我希望你正在听。Suzie, I hope you're listening.