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曲虫主要种群都具有较强的趋光性和群集性。The major species of pests had stronger photokinesis and sociability.

绅士阶层的秩序感、社会感和幸福感也是通过对自然景观的描述来表现。A sense of order, sociability and well-being was expressed through landscape.

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在以保守著称的英国,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.

这可能看似奇怪,因为机器人很难被看作温暖有社交能力的个体。That may seem surprising, since robots are hardly known for warmth and sociability.

然后是了解,就是要懂得社交性媒体和网络文化。Then it is understood that sociability is to know how the media and Internet culture.

好请客、吃请的民间饮食风俗,推动了汉中菜的形成和发展。The folk custom of sociability facilitates the formation and development of Hanzhong cuisine.

在进化期间,随着生物的社会活动增加,共同进化的场合也越来越多了。In evolutionary time, the instances of coevolution have increased as sociability in life has increased.

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在每个路边旅社和城市集市上,提供饮料的商店都是社交和贸易的中心。In every wayside inn and urban bazaar, shops offering the beverage are centers of sociability and trade.

他们会特别鼓励运动性社团,因为你可以遇到很多同龄的人,藉以训练社交技巧等等的。And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociability and blab la bla.

马克思主义关于人的本质理论标示着社会个体实现自我超越的基本依据。Marxist theory about human nature and sociability of human beings provides an important rationale for self-exceeding.

用达伦多夫的偶像伊曼努尔·康德的话来说,惟有人的“非社会的社交性”才能刺激社会走向进步。Only man's "unsocial sociability", in the words of one of his heroes, Immanuel Kant, could sting society towards progress.

与此同时,这一点也可以帮助它们更好的读懂人类的表情和指示并且对其作出反应。And a heightened sociability could in turn make them better at reading and responding to human facial expressions and commands.

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由于仅仅作为社会动物,人类才会变得更有自我意识,所以这些行为与社交性是紧密联系的。These operations are ipso facto connected with sociability for only as a social animal did man learn and become conscious of himself.

据沃德介绍,林肯的社交能力和他自嘲式的幽默感"是他能够吸引众人追随的重要原因之一"。According to Ward, Lincoln’s sociability and self-deprecating sense of humor “were a critical part of his ability to get men to follow him.”

因为较于席卷整个公司的所有变化,在门店层面仍然保持着一定数量的传统邻里关系。Because, for all the change that has swept over the company, at the store level there is still a fair amount of the old communal sociability.

早期人类社会仅仅限于亲缘关系群体之内在面对面情境中的互动,而且信用关系不会超出几十个亲戚的范围。Early human sociability was limited to face-to-face interactions within close-knit kin groups, and trust didn't extend beyond a few dozen relatives.

和「擅于社交」等字眼很容易混淆视听的,部分原因是因为内性者通常害羞,而外向者通常善交际。The words have become confused with ideas like shyness and sociability , partially because introverts tend to be shy and extroverts tend to be sociable.

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我们还进一步注意到,比起不善交际或孤寂独处的人来,在倾向于或注定要群居或交往的个人或团体当中,愚蠢要普遍得多。We observe further that folly is less common in the unsociable or the solitary than in individuals or groups who are inclined or condemned to sociability.

培养善于与人交流,表达清晰、气质优雅,礼貌谦让的“小绅士”“小淑女”。Involve the children in a friendly, tolerant, caring and concerned environment, cultivate them to be gentlemen and ladies with sociability and clear expression.

婴儿生理节奏的规律性之和儿童焦虑之间的关系或许可以通过早期的社交以及专注能力得以调节。The association between infant circadian regularity and childhood anxiety may be mediated by early sociability and ability to focus attention, among other variables.