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他们抬杠。They bicker.

我们开始争吵、争论。We began to bicker and argue.

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我们互相吵嘴,我们很喜欢和对方合作。We bicker with each other, we love working with each other.

每当电话铃响起,他们就斗嘴,谁必须回答。Whenever the phone rings they bicker over who must answer it.

这两个小孩子过去常为该由谁洗餐具一事而争吵。The two children used to bicker about who should do the washing-up.

两家报纸还经常争论谁拥有更大发行量,吵的口沫横飞。And the two titles like to bicker over which has the bigger circulation.

你开玩笑似的时常口角,如此这般几年之后,就会当真了。You playfully bicker enough, and after a few years, it stops being playful.

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有一个小女孩,她因事和妈妈拌嘴外出,当时身上也没有带钱。A little girl, she and her mother, who bicker out money at that time who did not.

有一天,他们为了一件小小的事情吵嘴了,谁也不理谁了,像两个陌路人。One day, they bicker for one small thing, and no one who is reasonable, and like two strangers.

该片主要描述两个室友对是否走出他们被毁坏的单身公寓,在外面一片废墟的世界里冒险的口水战。In the short, two roommates bicker about whether to venture into the wasteland outside their ruined bachelor pad.

菜盛在盘子里逐渐冷了下来,除了说来说去只是好心劝对方努力加餐之类的话以外,他们好像找不到别的话好说了。The food chilled on their plates and there seemed nothing to talk about except an endless friendly bicker about food.

同时,欧佩克石油组织分裂成沙特人和伊朗人,争吵着怎么控制全球的能源输出。Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians bicker over how to control the world's energy spigots.

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我们会为没有永恒价值的事物互相争吵,彼此控诉,好像婴孩们为著抢那些无用的礼物花纸而呱呱叫嚷一般。Like babies fighting over worthless wrapping paper, we bicker and sue each other over things that have no eternal value.

贾三儿经常缺斤少两的蒙顾客,这让李小手很是看不惯,两人因此没少拌嘴。Jia three son often lacking any pellet with the customer, this small hand very is averse to lee, two people so no less bicker.

这些人因为朝美两国政府在如何-以及用何种语言来移交免费的粮食问题上争吵而遭受饥饿。They go hungry as North Korea and the United States bicker over how -- and in what language -- free food is to be handed over.

帮助人要比看起来困难得多,人道主义者之间的争吵要比任何人群之间的争吵要激烈的多。Helping people is more difficult than it seems, and no group of people bicker among themselves more viciously than humanitarians.

两人常常为了生意斗嘴怄气,让夹在中心的朋琨和国程很尴尬。Two people are often for business bicker ou spirit, let the clamp in the center of the bin, a friend HeGuoCheng very embarrassed.

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那对夫妻是在江宁摆摊卖早点的,因为买了我同事的这套房子,两个人吵嘴把结婚证书都撕掉了。That couple was sold earlier in Jiangning run, because I bought the house colleagues, the two bicker marriage certificates are up.

知情人士说,因就具体条款存在分歧,雅虎和阿里巴巴最近曾放慢相关谈判。Yahoo and Alibaba have slowed their talks on the plan lately, the people familiar with the matter said, as they bicker over terms.

一天,两个非常蛮横的小孩扭打著走了进来。进来后还在为买哪种糖果,谁拿找回的零钱而吵个不停。One day two very rambunctious kids walked in fighting, and continued to bicker over what candy to buy and who would get to carry the change.